The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 18 January 2025
Ratification to the north kirk of Leith
Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the estates of this present parliament, has, for certain causes and considerations moving his highness, ratified and approved and, by the tenor hereof, ratifies and approves all donations, mortifications, other writs, rights and securities whatsoever made and granted in favour of the kirk of Leith upon the north side of the water thereof, and to the ministers serving the cure of the same, present and to come, or in favour of any other person whatsoever to their benefit, declaring the generality hereof to be as effectual as if every particular were expressed and set down herein at length and word for word; and, without prejudice of the generality foresaid, that gift and presentation of the date 25 September last under his highness's privy seal, in favour of Master Andrew Fairfoul, present minister of the said kirk, whereby his highness presented him minister thereto, and to the stipend whereto he and his predecessors were in possession, and in augmentation thereof mortified and conveyed to him and his successor ministers of the said kirk 33 bolls and the fifth part of three bolls of half wheat, half barley, payable by Master William Napier of Wrightshouses. Item, 16 bolls and the fifth part of three bolls payable by [...] Kincaid of Wariston. Item, 23 bolls of barley payable by Master John Oliphant, advocate, and 12 bolls of wheat by [...] Kirkwood of Pilrig, together with the letters of collation and instrument of institution with all other writs, rights and securities following thereupon in all the heads, clauses and conditions thereof, and admits the generality foresaid to be as sufficient as if the said writs and evidents were inserted and set down herein at length. Likewise our said sovereign lord, with consent foresaid, has dissolved and dissolves the particular bolls of victual above-written given in augmentation foresaid from his highness's crown, and annexes the same to the said kirk of Leith to be peaceably possessed and enjoyed by the said Master Andrew and his successor ministers thereat in all time coming.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.261r.