Ratification to John Arnott of Woodmill

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament have ratified and approved and, by this legislation, ratify and approve the charter of confirmation granted by his highness's late dearest father of eternal memory, with consent of the treasurer, treasurer depute and other lords of exchequer, confirming at length a charter granted by John Arnott of Woodmill, with consent of Elizabeth Aytoun, his spouse, to the late Sir John Arnott of Berswick, provost of Edinburgh, his heirs and assignees, of all and whole the lands of Woodmill, with the pertinents after-specified, namely: the manor place and mains of Woodmill, the mill thereof with the acres of the same, the lands of Eastwood, Westwood and Weddersbie Bank, and the sunny half of the lands called Freeland, with woods thereof and lochs called Black Loch and Braid Loch, alias the Loch of Lindores, with the fishings thereof and eel arcts2 in the burns descending from the said lochs, with the dovecots and all their pertinents, lying within the lordship of Fife and sheriffdom thereof; and the said confirmation containing a new gift granted by his highness's said late dearest father, with consent foresaid, to the said late Sir John Arnott and his foresaids of the lands and others above-specified, of the date 29 December 1614, together with the precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon, and precept and sasine granted to John Arnott, now of Woodmill, as grandchild and heir of the said late Sir John Arnott of the lands and others above-specified, and all other infeftments, evidents, rights and securities made to the said John Arnott, his predecessors and authors of and concerning the lands and others above-written, with the pertinents, of whatsoever dates, tenors or contents the same be of, in all and sundry heads, clauses, articles and conditions contained therein after the forms and tenors thereof.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.241r-241v.
  2. Defined in DSL as a device for catching eels.