Ratification in favour of the burgh of Dundee

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament now presently convened ratify, approve and perpetually confirm to the provost, bailies, council and community of the burgh of Dundee and their successors all and whole that gift and patent made and granted to them of and concerning the ratification of all their former rights, donations, privileges and liberties granted to them by his majesty's most noble progenitors, and containing therein a gift of novodamus of their burgh and whole privileges and immunities thereof, and making and constituting the said provost, bailies and council of the said burgh and their successors sheriffs within themselves, and conveying to them £4 Scots money of all wine vented and run within the said burgh, as the said letters, patents and gift in themselves, of the date at Holyroodhouse, 14 September 1641, more amply bears. And also ratify, approve and perpetually confirm to the said provost, bailies, council and community of the said burgh of Dundee and their successors the gift and grant given to them by his majesty of the patronage and tithes of the parish of Longforgan for maintenance of their ministry and other pious works, as the said gift, dated at Holyroodhouse, the said 14 September last and year of God foresaid bears, in all their heads, clauses and articles thereof, according to the tenor of the same. And declare the generality of this present ratification to be as valid, effectual and sufficient in all things as if the tenors of the foresaid gifts were particularly word for word herein inserted, with the generality whereof his majesty and estates foresaid have dispensed and by this ratification dispense for ever.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.239r.