Ratification in favour of the burgh of Montrose

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament have ratified and approved and, by the tenor hereof, ratify and approve the charter and infeftment granted by his majesty's most noble progenitors King [...] of happy and blessed memory to the provost, bailies, council and community of the burgh of Montrose of the same burgh, lands, community and others specified therein, and of the freedoms, liberties, privileges, immunities and others mentioned and expressed therein, which is of the date the [...] day of [...] years, together with the precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon, and all and sundry other charters, infeftments, precepts, instruments of sasine, ratifications and other evidents and writs, rights, titles and securities whatsoever granted and made by his majesty or any other of his majesty's most noble progenitors to the said provost, bailies, council and community of the said burgh of Montrose of the same burgh, lands, commonties, freedoms, liberties, privileges and immunities particularly and generally mentioned in the said charter and infeftments, and others thereto pertaining and belonging, of whatsoever date or dates, tenor or contents the same be of, in the whole heads, articles, clauses, circumstances and conditions of the same; and will, grant and declare this present general ratification and approbation thereof is and shall be as valid, effectual and sufficient to the said provost, bailies, council and community and their successors as if the same charters, infeftments, precepts, instruments of sasine, ratifications and other evidents and writs particularly and generally foresaid, and every one of them, were at length word by word engrossed and set down herein, regarding which, and all faults and imperfections thereof or that may be proposed or alleged against the validity of the same, or this present general ratification or approbation thereof, his majesty and estates foresaid have dispensed and, by this ratification, dispense for ever.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.238v-239r.