Ratification in favour of Robert and Master John Pringle

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve the charter and infeftment granted by his majesty, with advice and consent of his highness's treasurers, comptrollers and treasurers of his highness's new augmentations, principal and depute, and other lords and others of his highness's exchequer, his commissioners, to Robert Pringle, writer to his majesty's signet in liferent, and to Master John Pringle, his eldest son in fee, his male heirs and assignees contained therein heritably, of all and whole the lands of Easter Templehall, and lands of Wester Templehall and Costhouss2 with houses, buildings, yards, outsets, tofts, crofts, muirs, mosses, pendicles, privileges and pertinents thereof, as the same was occupied and possessed by the late Master Samuel and Francis3 Cockburn of Temple, or by either of them and their tenants; and of all and whole the lands of Viccarisfauldis and Parisflate, with the pertinents, sometimes pertaining to the vicars of Pencaitland lawfully conveyed by the late Sir Robert Richardson of Pencaitland, knight baronet, to Sir George Cockburn of Orbiston, knight; with all and sundry the teinds, parsonage and vicarage, of all and whole the said lands of Huntlaw, Easter and Wester Templehall, Tofthouss, Parisflat and Viccaris Faulds, with their pertinents; and of all and sundry the teinds, parsonage and vicarage, of all and whole the lands of Huntlaw, Dey Boigland4 and Southwood, alias Woodhead, with the pertinents, which are held of other superiors, all lying within the parish of Pencaitland, constabulary of Haddington and sheriffdom of Edinburgh, with full power, liberty and privilege to the said Robert and Master John Pringle and their foresaids and their whole tenants of the said lands and others above-repeated to have and extract limestone in the lime quarries, parts and bounds of the town and lands of Peaston, with the pertinents, where the tenants of the said lands of Peaston or tenants of the lands of Ormiston get and extract, or shall get and extract, their limestone, or where the same may be most commodiously had and won for making of lime to build and repair the houses and dykes and enhancing of the said lands above-written, with gates, ways and passages, free access and entry thereto, for getting, extracting and transporting of the said limestone to the uses foresaid perpetually in all time coming, without stop, trouble or interruption, upon the resignation of the said Sir George Cockburn of Ormiston, knight, in manner mentioned in the said charter, of the date 13 February 1636, under his highness's great seal, with procuratory and instrument of resignation whereupon the same proceeded and precept of sasine and sasine following thereupon, and all former infeftments, charters, sasines and other rights and securities made and granted by his highness or any of his predecessors or authors of the said lands, teinds and others above-written or any of them to the said Sir George Cockburn or any of his predecessors or authors of whatsoever dates, tenors or contents the same be of, or bears, in all and sundry the heads, clauses, points, articles and conditions contained therein, and after the forms and tenors thereof in all points. And our said sovereign lord wills and grants and, with advice of the said estates of parliament, decrees and ordains that this present ratification of the said charter and other rights specially and generally above-written is and shall be as effectual and sufficient and of as great force, strength and effect to Robert Pringle, his son and his foresaids for possessing and enjoying of the said lands, teinds and other privileges above-written, liberties and pertinents thereof heritably in all time coming, as if the said charter and other rights specially and generally above-written were all at length word for word engrossed, inserted and contained herein, concerning which, and with all other defects and imperfections and objections which may be proposed or alleged against the said rights or any of them and validities of the same and this present ratification thereof, our said sovereign lord and estates of parliament have dispensed and by this ratification dispense for ever, and find, declare and determine the same to be good and valid rights whereby the said Robert, his son and his foresaids may possess the said lands, teinds and other liberties above-written, privileges and pertinents as their own proper heritage in all time coming for ever, after the form and tenor of the same charter, infeftments and other rights foresaid in all points and according thereto.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.233r-234v.
  2. APS suggests 'Tofthouss' in square brackets.
  3. 'James?' in square brackets in APS.
  4. APS suggests 'Drybrughland' in square brackets.