Reference to the exchequer in favour of George Foulis [of Ravelston]

The which day the supplication given in to the king and parliament by George Foulis, craving approbation of his service as general of the mint-house of this kingdom and receipt of the fees thereof and a gift and continuation of the said office in time coming, being read in audience of the king's majesty and estates of parliament, his majesty and estates foresaid remit and refer the foresaid supplication and desire thereof to the lords and others of his highness's exchequer.

Reference in favour of [Alexander Forbes], lord Forbes

The which day the supplication given in to the king and parliament by Alexander, lord Forbes, craving that the king and parliament would recommend to the committee appointed for the common burdens of this kingdom and lords of his highness's secret council the consideration of the reparation of the supplicant's losses sustained by him in his service and engagement abroad for the Palatinate, and at home in the late troubles of this kingdom, being read in audience of the parliament, his majesty and estates of parliament remit the foresaid supplication to the committee appointed for the common burdens of this kingdom.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.210r.