Procedure: decision concerning the officers of fortune
Regarding the pay of the officers of fortune who served within the country

The which day the supplication given in to the parliament by the officers of fortune who served within the country, craving that they may have full pay as the other reformeirs2 of the army abroad did receive, and that some course may be taken for their payment, being read in audience of the king's majesty and estates of parliament, his majesty and estates foresaid ordain the said officers of fortune who served within the country to have full pay without any deduction, and as much as the like officers of the army received in England, notwithstanding of the act of the committee, and for their payment, his majesty and estates remit them to the committee appointed for the common burdens. Likewise his majesty and estates of parliament grant the like favour to [James Johnstone], lord Johnstone, his officers, upon a supplication presented to the parliament by the Lord Johnstone for that effect.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.172v.
  2. Defined in DSL as one left without a command (owing to the 'reforming' or disbanding of his company), but who retained his rank and seniority and received full or half pay.