Procedure: ordinances regarding the fast and for accommodation of business
Ordinance regarding the fast

The which day the paper produced by the commissioners of the kirk, containing the causes of the public fast to be indicted, being publicly read in audience of the parliament, his majesty and estates of parliament appoint the same to be given to the ministers that they may cause intimate the same to all the kingdom; and appoint the fast to be upon Sunday come eight days for this sheriffdom and all places adjacent that may be advertised in due time, and for the rest of Scotland upon the last Sunday of this month. For which end, the paper was instantly given to Master James Bonnar to be delivered to the ministers.

Ordinance for accommodation of business

The which day the king's majesty and estates of parliament appoint the committee formerly nominated for accommodation of business to meet after noon for accommodation and happy conclusion of the business committed to them, to whom also the king's majesty and estates of parliament give power to take the late incident to consideration and to do therein as they shall think expedient for removing all impediments of accommodation and happy conclusion of business.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.148v.