
Prayer said and rolls called.

The king being present.

Procedure: ordinance concerning the Irish business
Ordinance regarding the Irish business

The which day the report of the committee for considering of the number of boats in the west part of Scotland for transporting men to Ireland (in case of necessity), bearing that the committee conceives that there may be had between Glasgow and Ayr as many boats, barks and other vessels as may transport to the nearest parts of Ireland 4,000 or 5,000 soldiers, being read in audience of his majesty and the parliament, his majesty and estates of parliament approve the same report and appoint the persons formerly entrusted with this committee to meet again this afternoon with [Alexander Montgomery], earl of Eglinton, and to call to them any person necessary to think upon the best means for staying a competent number of boats, barks etc. fit for transporting the number of men foresaid contained in the report with the least prejudice of trade.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.144v.