
Prayer said and rolls called.

The king being present.

Act in favour of lieutenant colonels and majors who had companies for a captain's pay to them

The which day, regarding the petition given in to the king's majesty and honourable estates of parliament by the lieutenant colonels and majors of horse and foot in the late Scottish army, whereof the tenor follows: To the king's most excellent majesty and the most honourable estates of this present parliament, we, the lieutenant colonels and majors of horse and foot in the late Scottish army, do humbly show that whereas we, besides our charge as lieutenant colonels and majors, had also our several particular companies committed to us and that in all armies whatsoever officers of our condition have pay as captains of their particular companies by as good right as their pay for their charge in chief aforesaid, may it therefore please your most excellent majesty and most honourable estates of this present parliament to take to your gracious consideration the equity and justice of our demands, and we doubt not but upon just and true information it will not be denied to us that right which is universally observed in all armies, and we as in duty bound shall pray etc., as the foresaid petition in the self purports. Which petition above-written so given in by the lieutenant colonels and majors of the army who had companies desiring the pay of a captain being read in audience of the king's majesty and estates of parliament, his majesty and the estates foresaid find the desire of the foresaid petition reasonable and therefore appoint all such lieutenant colonels and majors to have captain's pay as shall be testified by [Alexander Leslie of Balgonie], lord general, and their own colonel to have had companies.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.135v.