Legislation: private act
Act regarding the election of [John Campbell], lord Loudoun to be chancellor

The which day the king's majesty, with the advice and approbation of the estates of parliament, did nominate and elect John, lord Loudoun to exercise and discharge the place and office of high chancellor of this his highness's ancient native kingdom, and gave and conveyed to him during all the days of his lifetime the said office with all honours, dignities, profits, liberties and privileges which have been possessed and held by any proceeding chancellors, and which may be now possessed by the laws of this kingdom. Likewise his majesty, with advice and approbation foresaid, makes and constitutes the said John, lord Loudoun, during all the days of his lifetime, high chancellor of this his said kingdom, to be possessed and enjoyed by him with all dignities, honours, commodities, liberties and privileges which have been possessed and held by any preceding chancellors and which may be now possessed by the laws of this kingdom; and ordains a gift and patent to be passed under his highness's great seal to the said John, lord Loudoun thereupon.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.132v.