[Supplication of Robert Muir of Caldwell for the passing of his signature through the exchequer]

Supplication by the Laird of Caldwell2

My lords and others of the estates of parliament to your lordships humbly means and shows I, your servant, Robert Muir of Caldwell, and my curators here present for their interests, that where my late father contracted sickness in the public service whereof thereafter he died and parted this life, therefore most humbly beseeches your lordships that your lordships will be pleased to give order to [Sir James Carmichael], treasurer depute, and other lords of the exchequer to pass the signature presented to me and to my friends here present, in my name, of the gift of my ward and marriage. And that upon such reasonable compositions as your lordship shall think expedient.

24 July 1641

Read and considered.

5 August 1641

Produced by [James Chalmers], laird of Gadgirth.

5 August 1641

The estates of parliament, in respect of their certain knowledge of the verity of the written within supplication, find the desire thereof reasonable and ordain the gifts to be past freely, according to the act of parliament, and ordain the clerk to give out the duplicate hereof under his hand if need be.

[Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of] Burleigh, in presence of the lords of parliament3

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 5 1641'.
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document.
  3. These three dated clauses are written on the rear of the document.