
Rolls called and prayers said.

Procedure: ordinance regarding the army
Ordinance regarding the army

The instructions from the estates of parliament to the commissioners at London, concerning the commissioners' letter written to [Alexander Leslie of Balgonie], general, for disbanding the army and delay of payment of the £80,000 sterling of brotherly assistance, together with a letter from the parliament to the commissioners and another letter from the parliament to the lord general,

Being all these read in presence of the estates of parliament, the said estates approve the same (regarding the payment of the soldiers in the castle, ordain and command Stephen Boyd, merchant burgess of Edinburgh and collector of the castle rents thereof, to pay the soldiers of the castle out of the first and readiest of the castle rents), and appoint the said letters and instructions to be subscribed by [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of Burleigh], president of the parliament, which was accordingly done, and the estates ordain [Charles Seton], earl of Dunfermline to carry the same as one very fitting above all exception.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.79v.