The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 15 January 2025
[Supplication remitted to the king as business proper to the general assembly; supplication continued until the afternoon]
The supplication presented by the town of Aberdeen, craving provision to the minister of St Nicholas, read in articles and recommended to [John Stewart, earl of Traquair], commissioner general, to be represented by him to his majesty, but no record thereof to be made in parliament.
The supplication presented by the hat-makers in Edinburgh craving a liberty to elect a deacon yearly, delivered to John Smith [of Grotehill] to be advised until after noon.
[Supplication recommended to the king; article regarding sentences given against ministers approved]
The supplication presented by the owners of Captain [David] Robertson's ship recommended to [John Stewart, earl of Traquair], commissioner general, to be represented to his majesty.
The article presented by the commissioners of the kirk, craving sentences given by the high commission against ministers to be reduced and declared null, read, voted and passed in articles for those sentences given against ministers for the particulars of doctrine and discipline now condemned in this church by the late assembly and ratified in this parliament and no further.
[Articles for provision of schools, glebes and manses remitted to commission for plantation of kirks; article regarding salmon fishing continued]
The article for plantation of schools remitted to the commission to be granted for plantation of kirks etc.
Article for provision of glebes and manses to ministers in parishes where there is no church land remitted to the commission for plantation of kirks etc.
The article regarding the discharge of the salmon fishing upon Sunday continued until [Charles Seton], earl of Dunfermline be heard.
[Article refused; subcommittee for idle beggars to present overtures in the afternoon]
The article craving discharge of the Saturday market read and refused.
The committee regarding sturdy beggars etc. appointed to give in their overtures after noon.
[Article remitted to the king as business proper to the general assembly; ratification of the acts of the general assembly and covenant approved; act amended and approved]
The article craving that his majesty may be petitioned to grant presentation to those who are admitted by presbyteries to vacant kirks recommended to [John Stewart, earl of Traquair], commissioner general, to be represented to his majesty.
The ratification of the acts of assembly and covenant read, voiced and passed in articles, reserving to the lord commissioner's grace whatsoever he shall declare regarding this in face of parliament.
Act regarding the packing of salmon and marking the barrels read, voiced and passed in articles with this addition: that the next free burgh shall send their marker and burn iron to any unfree burgh where salmon shall happen to be packed and embarked.
- NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.7(a) r.