Act in favour of Sir Patrick MacKie of Larg, knight

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify, approve and perpetually confirm a charter and infeftment under the great seal, dated 2 February 1619, granted by our said sovereign lord's late dearest father of eternal memory, for himself and as father and administrator for the time to his majesty that now is, his highness's dearest son, to and in favour of Sir Patrick MacKie of Larg, knight, and to the male heirs lawfully procreated or to be procreated of his body, which failing to his nearest and lawful eldest female heir without division, of all and whole the lands and barony of Larg, comprehending the particular lands, mills, woods, fishings, burgh of barony of Minnigaff, fairs, markets, privileges, liberties, immunities and all others generally and particularly expressed and set down in the foresaid charter and infeftment, together with the instrument of sasine following thereupon, in all and sundry heads, points, clauses and conditions mentioned and expressed in the said charter and infeftment, which his majesty and estates foresaid declare to be held as for expressed and set down herein at length and word by word. And further, our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid declare and ordain the foresaid charter and infeftment to have been and to be a good, valid and perfect right and security to the said Sir Patrick MacKie, his heirs and successors for their heritable and perpetual holding, enjoying, using and possessing of the foresaid lands, barony, burgh of barony, fairs, markets, privileges, liberties and immunities thereof and all other lands, heritage, mills, woods, fishings and others generally and particularly contained in the said charter and infeftment after the form and tenor thereof in all points.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.118v-119r.