The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 8 October 2024
Act in favour of the burgh of Dumbarton
Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of his majesty's three estates of parliament, ordains an act of parliament to be made ratifying, approving and, for his highness and his successors, perpetually confirming, likewise his majesty, by the tenor hereof, with advice and consent of his highness's three estates of parliament, ratifies, approves and, for his highness and his successors, perpetually confirms the charter and infeftment made and granted at Greenwich, 10 June 1618, by his majesty's late dearest father, King James VI, of worthy and eternal memory, under the great seal, with advice and consent of his highness's treasurer principal of Scotland and treasurer depute for the time therein nominated, and of the other lords commissioners then appointed by his majesty for giving infeftments within the kingdom of Scotland, to, and in favour of, the provost, bailies, council, and community of the said burgh of Dumbarton and their successors, by the which his majesty's said late dearest father, with consent foresaid, gave, granted and conveyed to, and in favour of, the provost, bailies, council and community of the said burgh and their successors forever heritably the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the parish kirk and parish of Dumbarton, with all teinds, great and small, as well parsonage as vicarage thereof, and with all fruits, rents, emoluments and duties pertaining and belonging to the said kirk, together with certain chaplainries, altarages, anniversaries and others nominated and contained in the said charter and infeftment, with all and sundry lands, tenements, annualrents, profits, emoluments and duties pertaining and belonging to the said altarages, chaplainries and others foresaid, together also with the tolbooth, custom house or weigh house of the said burgh of Dumbarton and all and sundry little customs, tolls, casualties and others duties pertaining and belonging to the said burgh, and also certain tenements of land mentioned in the said infeftment, with diverse and sundry other privileges, liberties, immunities, casualties and others particularly set down in the said infeftment, together with the precept of sasine thereof under the quarter seal and instrument of sasine following thereupon, in all and sundry heads, points, articles, clauses, privileges, immunities, circumstances and conditions specified and contained therein. And his majesty, with advice and consent foresaid of his highness's three estates of parliament, wills and grants and, for his highness and his successors, decrees and ordains this present confirmation to be of as great value, force, strength and effect to the said provost, bailies, council and community of the said burgh of Dumbarton and their successors as if the foresaid charter, infeftment, precept and instrument of sasine were word by word engrossed, expressed and set down herein, regarding the which, and with all defects and inconveniences that may follow thereupon, his majesty, with advice and consent foresaid of his highness's three estates of parliament, has dispensed and, by this act, dispensed for ever. And his majesty, with advice and consent foresaid of his highness's three estates of parliament, statutes and ordains that the foresaid charter and infeftment is and shall be a good, valid, effectual and sufficient security to the said burgh of Dumbarton, magistrates, burgesses and inhabitants thereof and their successors for holding, enjoying, using and possessing in all time coming of the said patronage, and of all and sundry lands, gifts, liberties, privileges and others mentioned in the said infeftment after the form and tenor thereof in all points. And his majesty, with advice and consent foresaid of his highness's three estates of parliament, ordains this ratification to be a sufficient warrant to the clerk register for extending an act of parliament hereupon in due form, and for inserting the same with the rest of the acts of parliament to be made and set down in this parliament held within the said kingdom of Scotland.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.92r-v.