The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 8 October 2024
Act in favour of [John Lindsay], lord Lindsay
Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify, approve and perpetually confirm an act dated at Holyroodhouse, 9 February 1631, granted by the lords commissioners for the surrenders and teinds, by the which act they have ratified, allowed and approved another act of the session of the kirk of Crail regarding the dividing of the rooms and houses particularly underwritten from the said kirk of Crail and adjoining and annexing of the same to the kirk and parish of Kingsbarns. Likewise the said lords commissioners by their said act of new dissolved and divided the lands and rooms particularly after-specified, they are to say: the lands of Pitmilly, Morton of Pitmilly, mills thereof, Kilduncan, Falside, Cookston, Grassmiston, Kingsbarns and barony of Kippo, Cambo, Belches and Muirhouse, Randerstone and Newton thereof from the said kirk and parish of Crail, and joined, united and annexed the same to the said kirk and parish of Kingsbarns, which kirk the said commissioners ordained to be the parish kirk of the lands particularly above-written and the inhabitants of the said lands to be the proper parishioners of Kingsbarns in all time coming, with conditions always that the said division shall not be prejudicial to such gentlemen within the parish of Kingsbarns as have right and privilege of proper and peculiar burial places within the kirk or kirkyard of Crail, but that they and their successors may enjoy the same right and privilege as freely and peaceably as if they yet remained parishioners of Crail in all and sundry heads, clauses and conditions expressed and set down in the foresaid act made and granted by the said lords commissioners relating thereto, together also with the said act of the session of the said kirk of Crail and all other acts presbyterial and synodical set down and concluded concerning the erection of the said kirk of Kingsbarns with the lands and rooms particularly above-specified, in a separate and particular parish by the self divided and distinguished from the said kirk and parish of Crail in manner before mentioned and declares all the said acts to be held as for expressed and set down herein at length and word for word. And further, our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid, for great and seen causes tending to the honour of God and his majesty and propagation and maintenance of religion, and for the good and well of the kingdom, has by express and plain vote, voice and suffrage of parliament of new divided the lands, rooms and others particularly above-written from the said kirk and parish of Crail, and has joined, united and annexed the same to the said kirk and parish of Kingsbarns, which is declared to have been since the first erection thereof and to be for ever a proper and peculiar parish kirk called and to be called in all time coming the kirk of Kingsbarns; which kirk his majesty and estates foresaid have ordained to be the parish kirk of the lands particularly above-written and the inhabitants thereof to be the proper parishioners of Kingsbarns in all time coming, and that they shall resort and repair thereto and to all sermons, preachings, sacraments and other ecclesiastic duties and offices. And notwithstanding thereof, his majesty and estates foresaid finds and declares that the said John, lord Lindsay, his male heirs and successors, has, and shall have, good and undoubted right, title and interest to the patronage of the said new erected kirk of Kingsbarns and to the teinds of the lands and others above-specified united and annexed thereto as said is, as if the same had not been dissolved, disjoined and separated from the said kirk and parish of Crail, whereof the said John, lord Lindsay, his predecessors and authors were constituted heritable patrons of before, and ratifies and approves all infeftments, rights and securities made and granted to them thereupon, and that the said John, lord Lindsay and his foresaids shall in all time coming abide and remain undoubted heritable patrons of the said new erected kirk of Kingsbarns, likewise and after the same form and manner as if the said kirk of Kingsbarns and lands above-written had not been separated nor disjoined from the said kirk and parish of Crail and that the said division shall not be prejudicial to such gentlemen of the said parish of Kingsbarns as have right and privilege of proper and peculiar burial places within the said kirk or kirkyard of Crail, but that they and their successors may and shall enjoy the same right and privilege as freely and peaceably as if they yet remained parishioners of Crail. And also, our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid find and declare that the minister now present and his successors serving the cure at the said kirk of Kingsbarns in all time coming has, and shall have, good right and interest to the yearly stipend of five chalders of victual endowed and allowed by the said John, lord Lindsay, patron and tacksman of the teinds of the said kirk and parish of Crail, out of his charitable disposition for maintenance of the minister serving the cure at the said kirk of Kingsbarns and his successors, and that without prejudice regarding the payment of another 10 chalders of victual yearly appointed and allowed to be paid to the ministers present and to come serving the cure at the said kirk of Crail. And ordains letters of horning upon a simple charge of 10 days to be directed hereupon at the instance of the minister present and to come serving the cure at the said kirk of Kingsbarns, or at the instance of the said John, lord Lindsay, his male heirs and successors, against all persons having interest for complying with and obeying of this present act and statute in all points; and ordains the same to be a sufficient warrant to the lord register for extending and extracting of an act of parliament hereupon, in due and ample form as appropriate.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.76v-77r.