Act in favour of the University of St Andrews

Our sovereign lord, with advice of the three estates of parliament, ratifies and approves all and sundry infeftments, gifts, mortifications, patronages, privileges, immunities and other evidents, rights, titles and securities whatsoever made and granted by his highness or any of his majesty's noble progenitors, or by the archbishops of St Andrews for the time, to the University of St Andrews and to the rectors, regents, masters, students, bursars, bedels and other servants of the same university, of whatsoever dates, tenors or contents the same be of, and specially without prejudice of the generality of the charter of confirmation granted by his highness's late dearest grandmother Mary, queen of Scots, of eternal memory, ratifying and confirming the charter granted by his highness's late dearest predecessor King James I of eternal memory, of the date at Perth, 20 March 1431, whereby the rectors, regents, masters, students, bursars, bedels and others within the said University of St Andrews, their lands, tenements, possessions and other goods, moveable and unmoveable, spiritual and temporal, as well within the city of St Andrews as in other places, are taken under the said King James I and his successors' protection, and whereby they are exempt from all tributes, taxations and collections, which charter of confirmation is dated 8 June 1555; and also the charter of confirmation granted by his highness's late dearest father, King James VI, of eternal memory, of the date 8 May 1579, ratifying and approving the charter above-written granted by his highness's said late dearest predecessor King James I of the date and contents above-specified, and all other exemptions, privileges and confirmations whatsoever made and granted by his highness's noble progenitors, kings James I, II, III, IV and V of worthy memory and by his highness's said dearest grandmother, Queen Mary, in all and sundry heads, clauses, articles and conditions contained in all and sundry of the said infeftments, gifts, mortifications, patronages and others respectively, specially and generally above-specified, after the forms and tenors thereof. And our said sovereign lord, with advice of the said estates of parliament, wills and grants, and for his highness and his successors, decrees and declares that the said infeftments, gifts, mortifications, patronages, immunities, privileges and others above-specified are good and valid rights to the said rectors, regents, masters, students and others above-written for possessing and enjoying of the lands, tenements, possessions, immunities, liberties, privileges and others above-specified in all time.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.65r.