Act in favour of [Adam Bellenden], bishop of Dunblane

Our sovereign lord, with advice of the estates of this present parliament, has ratified and approved and, by this act, ratifies and approves the gift and mortification made by his majesty's late dearest father, King James of most worthy memory, under his great seal, of the abbacy of Dundrennan, with all lands, baronies, mills, woods, fishings, kirks, teinds, fruits and rents pertaining thereto, as well temporality as spirituality thereof, to the deanery of his majesty's chapel royal of Stirling in manner specified and set down in the said gift of mortification, as the same of the date at Theobalds, 16 July 1621 at more length purports, thereafter ratified in parliament held at Edinburgh, 4 August 1621. And also has ratified and approved and, by this act, ratifies and approves the act of parliament made likewise by his majesty's said late dearest father, with advice of his estates, annexing to the bishopric of Dunblane and patrimony thereof all and whole the abbacy of Crossraguel, as likewise the priory of Monymusk, as well temporality as spirituality of the same benefices, with all lands, kirks, teinds, teind sheaves, fishings, annualrents, profits, commodities and other casualties whatsoever as well not expressed as expressed pertaining or belonging or which in any time bygone pertained or belonged to the said abbacy or priory or any of them in any manner of way, in manner likewise set down in the said act of parliament, as the same act of parliament of the date 28 June 1617 also at more length purports in the whole heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances whatsoever specified and contained in the said mortification and ratification thereof in parliament and act of parliament respectively above-written made regarding the union and annexation of the said abbacy of Dundrennan to the said chapel royal, and of the said abbacy of Crossraguel and priory of Monymusk to the said bishopric of Dunblane as is above-rehearsed, with all that has followed or may follow thereupon. And his majesty and estates foresaid, by this act, declares, decrees and ordains that this present ratification and generality thereof shall be as valid, effectual and sufficient as if the said mortification and acts of parliament respectively above-written were at length word by word inserted herein, regarding the which and generality thereof and all other objections or imperfections which may be opposed or alleged against the same, his majesty and estates foresaid have dispensed and dispense by this act. And further his majesty and estates foresaid by this act declare the union and mortification of the said abbacy of Dundrennan to the said chapel royal and the union and annexation of the said abbacy of Crossraguel and priory of Monymusk to the said bishopric of Dunblane to be in no way of the nature and quality of such things which are contained in his majesty's revocation, and that the same benefices so united and annexed as said is, spirituality nor temporality thereof, nor gifts of mortification and union and annexation of the same, falls in no way within the compass of any of his majesty's revocations, nor within the act made in this present parliament regarding his majesty's revocation, nor yet within the acts likewise made in this present parliament regarding the superiorities of kirklands. Likewise his majesty and estates foresaid, in so far as it may appear that the same may fall within the compass of his majesty's revocations and acts of parliament made relating thereto and regarding the superiorities of the said kirklands, has excepted and by this act excepts the same thereof.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.64v-65r.