The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 14 December 2024
Act in favour of Master Robert Craig
Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament, having considered a petition and desire given in in parliament by the college of justice and Master Robert Craig, advocate, son to the late Master Thomas Craig, advocate, craving that command and warrant might be granted for imprinting of the three volumes written by the said late Master Thomas Craig entitled De Feudis, in respect that the same would be very useful to the country and for the instruction of those who aspire to the knowledge and practice thereof, as the said petition at more length bears; our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid ordain the said three volumes written by the said late Master Thomas Craig entitled De Feudis to be reviewed and overseen by Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, knight baronet, his highness's advocate, Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie, knight, Sir Andrew Fletcher of Innerpeffer, knight, two of the ordinary senators of the college of justice, and Master Lewis Stewart, advocate, before the said lords, and thereafter ordain the said three volumes entitled De Feudis as said to be imprinted, and grant the sole privilege for imprinting thereof to the said Master Robert Craig, his heirs and executors, to whom ordains the whole benefit, commodity and sale of the said volumes to pertain for the space of 21 years after the date hereof; and ordain none of the said books to be brought in and sold during the said space of 21 years but by the said Master Robert, his tolerance, under the pain of confiscation of the same to the use and benefit of the said Master Robert and his foresaids.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.50v.