Commission regarding Robert Young, printer etc.

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament have remitted and recommended, and remit and recommend, the article given in and produced in parliament for Robert Young, printer, citizen of London, and his partners, craving ratification of a gift granted to him and his foresaids to be sole and only printers to his majesty within the kingdom of Scotland for the space of 21 years after the date of the gift, which is dated 12 April 1632. Item, a petition given in by Janet Kene, widow of the late Andrew Hart, printer, burgess of Edinburgh, desiring that the foresaid gift may be recalled or at the least limited in manner contained in the said petition. Item, an article given in by Master Robert Craig as procurator for the kirk desiring that he might be paid of the £500 assigned to him yearly for that service as procurator for the kirk and ministry thereof out of the readiest of the annuity due to his majesty out of the teinds of the kingdom of Scotland, as the said article at more length purports. Item, another article regarding vassals of ward lands and regarding the entry of the mean vassals of kirklands. Item, an article given in in parliament desiring that the body of the cathedral kirk of Orkney be upheld and maintained by some competent means to be assigned out of the king's patrimony for that effect, seeing the same was upheld by the earl of Orkney of before, and that [George Graham], bishop of Orkney and his successors be ordained to uphold the choir of the said kirk, as the foresaid articles in themselves more at length bear; to the lords of his majesty's exchequer of the kingdom of Scotland to be advised, considered and determined by them, to whom our said sovereign lord and estates of parliament by this commission grant full power and commission to decide and determine regarding the foresaid particular articles and petition respectively above-written, and desire thereof accordingly as the said lords of exchequer, after trial and consideration had and taken by them relating thereto, shall find good and expedient; and ordains the determination, decreet, statute and ordinance to be made, given and pronounced by the said lords of exchequer regarding the particulars above-rehearsed to have the strength, force and effect of a sentence and act of parliament in all time coming.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.46v.