Procedure: ratification of patent
Act in favour of [Alexander Lindsay], lord Spynie

The estates, having read, heard, seen and considered the petition given in by Alexander, lord Spynie craving a ratification of the patent granted by the king's majesty to him, making him during his lifetime to be general muster-master and colonel over the whole companies throughout this kingdom and isles adjacent thereto, and the said estates having read, heard and considered the said patent and being well advised therewith, the said estates have ratified, allowed and approved and, by the tenor hereof, ratify, allow and approve the said patent in the whole heads, points, clauses and articles thereof and after the form and tenor of the same, with this special provision and condition always: that this present ratification shall be, likewise it is hereby declared to be without prejudice of the liberties and privileges competent to any person or persons concerning this business, and ordain the said Lord Spynie to make choice of his colonels and other officers by the advice of his majesty's council.

  1. NAS, PC1/34, f.17r.