Ratificatioun to Williame Maxwell of his infeftment of Justingleyis and viccarage off Kirkbeane

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifies, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the infeftment grauntit be his majestie under his hienes greit seill, with advyse and consent of his richt traist cousignes and counsallouris David, lord off Scone, comptroller, and Schir Johnne Prestoun of Pennycuke, collectour generall of his majesties new augmentatiounes, to Williame Maxwell of Kirkhous and his airis thairincontenit, off all and haill the landis of Justingleyis, with medoes, pairtis, pendiclis and pertinentis of the samyn, the kirklandis of Kirkpatrik Fleming, extending to ten aikeris of land, togidder with the advocatioun, donatioun and richt off patronage of the kirk and haill viccarage of the paroche kirk of Kirkbene, with the teindis, fruitis, rentis and emolumentis quhatsumevir pertening and belanging to the said viccarage, all lyand within the stewartrie of Kirkcudbricht and schirefdome off Drumfries, as the said infeftment of the date at Quhythall, the tent day of Januar 1607, att mair lenth beiris, in all and sindrie heidis, articlis, clases and conditiounes of the samen, conforme to the tennour thairof in all poyntis.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.95v-96r.