Act in favoures of Alexander Cranstoun off Morestoun

Oure soverane lord and the estaittis of this present parliament ratiefies and approvis the chartour and infeftment made and grantit be his majestie, with advyse and consent off his hienes right traist cousing and counsellour Johnne, erle of Marr, lord Erskine and Garioche etc., his hienes principall thesaurer, comptrollar and collectour or thesaurer of his new augmentatiounes within the realme of Scotland, and of his hienes trustie counsellour Schir Gedeoun Murray of Elibank, knycht, his hienes depute in the saidis offices, and of the permanent lordis off his hienes secreit counsell of Scotland, his hienes commissionaris, to Alexander Cranstoun of Morestoun, his aires maill and assigneyis quhatsumevir heretablie off all and sindrie the landis of Burnecastell, with the tennentis, tenandries, service of frie tennentis thairoff and all thair pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis; and off all and sindrie the halff teynd schevis, halff teynd woll and halff teynd lamb off the kirk and parochin of Chingilkirk, alsueill personage as viccarage thairoff, with all and sindrie proffites and emolimentis quhatsumevir pertening and belanging to the said halff teyndis and now possessit be the said Alexander Cranstoun of Morestoun, all lyand within the bailyerie of Lauderdaill and schirefdome of Beruick. Quhilkis landis off Burnecastell, with the tennentis, tenandries, service of frie tennentis and pertinentis thairoff pertenit of before to the said Alexander Cranstoun him selff and wer resignit be him and his procuratouris, and quhilkis halff teindscheavis, halff teind woll and halff teynd lambe of the said kirk and parochin of Chingilkirk, with the pertinentis, pertenit of before to the said Johnne, erle of Marr as ane pairt of the patrimonie of his lordschip of Cardros, and wer resignit be him with expres advyse, consent and assent of Henrie Erskin, his secund lauchfull sone procreate betuix him and Dame Marie Stewart, countes of Marr, his spous, for all right quhatsumever quhilk he hes or may pretend to the said halff teyndis, with the pertinentis, or ony pairt thairoff; and be the said Henrie Erskin, for him selff, his awin right and entres, with advyse and consent off his said father, and be thame baithe with ane consent and assent, and thair procuratouris in thair names, in the handis of the saidis lordis of his hienes said secreit counsell of Scotland, his hienes commissioneris in his majesties name, in favouris and for the said infeftment thairoff to be made and gevin to the said Alexander Cranstoune of Morestoun and his foirsaidis in maner thairin contenit, to be haldin of oure soverane lord and his hienes successouris in fee heretages and frie blenche ferme for evir, as the said chartour and infeftment under his hienes gryit seale, of the date the tuentie day off December lastbypast 1620 yeiris, at mair lenthe beiris, with the resignatiounes quhairon the said chartour and infeftment proceidit and seasing following on the said chartour in all and sindrie the heiddis, poyntes, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditiones thairin contenit and efter the formes and tennouris thairoff in all poyntes. And willes, grantis, decernis and ordanis the said chartour and infeftment to be ane gude, valide and sufficient right to the said Alexander Cranstoun [of] Moreistoun and his foirsaidis for bruiking of the saidis landis, halff teyndis and utheris abovewrittin thairin contenit conforme thairto in all tyme cuming without ony objectioun, exceptioune, impediment or contradictione quhatsumevir to be maid be his hienes or his successoures in tyme cuming.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.89v-90r.