Act in favoures of Schir Jhonne Scott of Scottistarvett

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifies and apprevis and, for his majestie and his successoures, perpetuallie confermes the chartour and infeftment maid and grantit be his majestie under his hienes gryit seale to his majesties lovit Schir Jhonne Scott of Scottistarvett, knicht, directour of his hienes chancelarie, his aires maill and assigneyis quhatsumevir heretablie off all and haill the landis and baronye of Scottistarvet, comprehending the landis and utheris efterspecifit, to wit: all and haill the landis and barronie of Tarbert, with the toure, fortalice, maner place, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheardis, cunningar, doucat, milne thairoff, milne landis and multouris of the samen, annexis, connexis, outseattis, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis off the samene quhatsumevir lyand within the parochin of Seres and schirefdome off Fyiff; and siclyik of all and haill the landis and baronie of Caiplie, comprehending the landis and utheris eftermentionate, viz: all and haill the landis of Caiplie Overtoun, alias callit Third Pairt, with the pendicle thairoff callit Stavert; the landis of Nethirtoun of Caiplie, with the milne landis, multouris and sequellis thairoff, togidder with the fischeingis pertening to the saidis landis and with toure, fortalice, maner place, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis, doucat, annexis, connexis, pairtis, pendicles and all thair pertinentis lyand within the baronie off Tarvet be annexatioun and schirefdome of Fyiff foirsaid; and lyikwayes all and haill the landis of Eister Pitcorthie, with housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis, annexis, connexis, pairtes, pendicles and pertinentis thairoff quhatsumevir lyand within the parochin of Kylrynnie and schirefdome of Fyiff foirsaid, with full right, libertie and priviledge off commontie and commoun pasturage and casting, wynning and away leiding of fewall, faill and dovett in and upoun the mures, commonlie callit the Kingis Mure and Craill Mure, within the haill boundis, meithis and marchis thairoff, conforme to the said Schir Johnne, his predicessoures and authoures, thair possessioun of the samene; and als all and sindrie the teindschevis and viccarage teindis of the saidis landis of Over Kaiplie, als Third Pairt of the foirsaid toun2 and landis of Nethir Caiplie, with the milne thairoff and milnelandis of the samene; and off the foirsaid toun and landis of Eister Pitcorthie, withe the cottages, pairtis, pendicles and all thair pertinentis includit thairwith pertening to the said Schir Jhonne heretablie, all unite, annexit, create and incorporat in ane haill and frie baronye callit and to be callit the baronye off Scottistarvet, conteaning thairintill ane new gift, with ane unione thairoff, in ane haill and frie baronie callit the baronye of Scottistarvet as said is, to be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his successouris in fee and heretage for evir, lyik as at mair lenthe is contenit in the said chartour and infeftment of the dait at Edinburgh, the ellevint day off Februare, the yeir of God jM vjC and nynetene yeiris, togidder with the precept of seasing maid conforme to the said chartour and instrument of seasing following thairupoun, off quhatsumevir date or daittis, tennour and contentis the samen be, in all and sindrie poyntis, passis, heiddis, articles, clauses, circumstances, provisiounes and conditiounes quhatsumevir thairin contenit, with all that hes followit or may follow thairupoun; willing and granting and, for his majestie and his successoures, with advyse and consent of the haill estaittis of this present parliament, decerning and ordaning this present generall ratificatioun to be als gude, valide, effectuall and sufficient to the said Schir Johnne Scott and his foirsaidis for bruiking and joysing of the landis, baronye, teyndis and utheris with the pertinentis thairoff abovementionat as thair heretage at thair plesour in all tyme cuming, siclyik as giff the foirsaid chartour and infeftment, precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun wer at lenth and worde be worde ingrossit heirintill; quhairanent his majestie, with advyse and consent foirsaid, have dispensit and, be thir presentis, for his hienes and his successouris, dispensses for evir, saiffand and reservand alwayes to his majestie and his successoures the few blenche and uther dewties off the landis, baronie, teyndis and utheris abovespecifit with the pertinentis thairoff abovewrittin aucht and wount to his hienes and his predicessoures before this present ratificatioun. Attoure, oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis, understanding that umquhile King James the Fyift off worthie memorie, his majesties guidschir, gave and grantit speciall licience, facultie and friedome to umquhile Alexander Inglis of Inglistarvet, heretable proprietar of the landis and baronie above expremit, with the pertinentis for the tyme, to ditt up, remove and distroy that pairt of his hienes hie streit and commoun gaite passand betuix his place and his barnes, barneyairdis and stablis of Inglis Tarvet, now callit Scottis Tarvet, on the west syid off the place thairoff, and to mak the said hie passage and commoun gate als lairge and wyid as it wes of before and als commodius upoun the eist syid off the said place of Inglischtarvet, now callit Scottistarvet, and to hald the samene als large in all tyme cuming to be useit be his majestie and his hienes liegis resorting thairto as his hienes commoun gate wes and is at the west end of the said place, and willit and grantit that he suld not be accusit nor incure any skaithe or danger in his persoun, landis, guidis or geir thairthairow in anye tyme thairefter, nochtwithstanding of quhatsumevir actis of parliament, lawes, statutes or constitutiones of this realme maid or to be maid in the contrair, as the said licience of the date subscrivit be his majesties awin hand and gevin under his hienes signet at Sanctandros, the secund day of Junii and of his majesties reignne the tuentie nynt yeir, at mair lenth beiris. Quhilk licience, oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis ratiefies and approvis in all poyntis conforme to the tennour thairoff, and of new agane his majestie, with advyse and consent foirsaid, be thir presentis, gevis and grantis full licience, frie facultie and libertie to the said Schir Johnne Scott and his foirsaidis to remove, divert and distroye that pairt of the foirsaid hee streit and commoun way quhilk lyis fra the ferrie syid to the burgh off Cooper on the west syid of the said Schir Johnne, his place of Scottistarvet, at quhat tyme he or thai best pleis, prowyding alwayes that he and they mak als lairge, ample and commodius ane hie way and commoun streit upoun the eist syid of the said place of Scottistarvet for serveinig of his majesties liegis as the foirsaid commoun hie passage and gait is at the west end off the said place, and willes and grantis and, for his majestie and his successouris, with advyse and consent foirsaid, declairis that the said Schir Johnne nor his foirsaidis sall not be accusit nor incure ony skaithe, damnadge or danger in his persoun, landis, guidis or geir thairthairow be ony maner of waye in tyme cuming, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir actis of parliament, lawes, statutes or constitutiounes off this realme maid or to be maid in the contrair; quhairanent, and anent all paynes thairin conteanit, oure said soverane lord, with advyse and consent foirsaid, have dispensit and, be thir presentis, for his hienes and his successoures, dispensis for evir. Dischargeing lyikwayis be thir presentis the lordis off his hienes previe counsell and sessioun, justices, schirreffis and all utheris officeris and ministeris off the lawes within this his majesties kingdome, and all and sindrie thair deputtis and substitutes present and to cum, off all calling, accusing, simmonding, atteicheing, arreisting and persewing off the said Schir Johnne Scott or his foirsaidis, thair tennentis and servandis thairfore be ony maner of waye in tyme cuming, and off thair offices in that pairt for evir, and that the said confirmatioun and licience stand as said is.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.88r-89v.
  2. Written superscript.