The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
Act in favoures off the lairde off Sanctmonanes
Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratiefies and apprevis the chartour, donatioun and concessioun thairin conteanit, with the precept of seasing insert in the samene, maide, gevin and grantit be umquhile George, archebischope of Sanct Andros, with consent of the chaptour of the metrapolitane kirk of the said archebischoperik, to his majesties lovit Williame Sandelandis of Sanctmonans, his aires maill and assigneyis off all and sindrie the landis of the halff of Sanctmonanis, utherwayis callit Inverie, with the milne, fortalice, house, poirt and harberie of the samene, and anchorages of the said poirte and harberie, with the wrak, wair and all uther priviledgis and pertinentis, togidder with aucht aikeris of ane uther halff off the saidis landis nixt adjacent to the samen fortalice and hous, and bray and landis betuix the said hous and the sey, and siclyik off all and haill that fyve merk land of Inverie, utherwayis Sanctmonanes, extending to threttene aikeris of land, with the toft and croft adjacent thairto and thair partinentis, with the annexis, connexis, pendicles and pertinentis off all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis, milne, hous, fortalice and harberie with the pertinentis; and siclyik off all and haill ane uther halff off all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis of Inverie, utherwayes callit Wester Sanct Monanes, with the halff of the milne thairof, with toftis, croftis, yairdis, pairtis, pendicles and all thair pertinentis lyand within the regalitie of Sanctandros and schirefdome of Fyiff, contening ane erectioune off the toun of Sanctmonanis with all and sindrie housis, biggingis, toftis, croftis and outseattis thairoff, in ane frie burgh in baronie with ane frie porte and harberie in all tyme cuming, and als conteaning ane unione of the haill landis and utheris foirsaidis in ane haill and frie tenandrie and lordschip callit the tenandry and lordschip of Sanct Monanis, to be haldin of the said umquhile George, archebischope of Sanctandros and his successouris, payand yeirlie to the said umquhile George, archebischope of Sanctandros and his successouris, thair chalmerlanis and factoures, for the foirsaidis fortalice, hous and harberie, with the saidis aucht aikeris of land nixt adjacent to the saidis fortalice and hous and braye betuix the said hous and the seye and burgh off baronie foirsaid, ane pennie usuall money of the kingdome of Scotland at the said fortalice and hous at the feast of Witsondaye in name of blenche ferme, giff it beis askit, and for the foirsaidis halff landis of Sanctmonanis, utherwayes callit Inverie, and fyve merk land of Inverie, utherwayis Sanctmonanis, and the foirsaid toft, croft and milne abovespecifit, and the foirsaid uther halff off all and sindrie the saidis landis of Inverie, utherwayes callit Wester Sanctmonanes, with the halff of the milne thairoff, toftis, croftis, yairdis, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis, with the annexis, connexis, pendicles and pertinentis off all and sindrie the saidis landis and milne, the soume of foure merkis usual money foirsaid at tua usuall termes in the yeir, Witsonday and Mertimes in winter, be equall portiounes in name of kayne, with services useit at the courtis of the said regalitie of Sanct Andros allanerlie; be the quhilk chartour the wairde, releiff and nonentres of the landis and utheris haldin be service of warde and releiff as said is ar taxt yeirlie to the soume of tuentie ane pundis, sex schillingis, aucht pennyes, and the mariage of the air to the soume of ane hundereth pundis, off the date at Sanctandros, the first day of Apryill, jM vjC and ellevin yeiris, with the instrument of sesing following thairupoun, in all and sindrie poyntis, articles, clausses and conditiounes thairin contenit, efter the forme and tennour thairoff. Lyikas his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis declairis that this present ratieficatioun of the said chartour and instrument of sesing following thairupoun is and salbe als valide, effectuall and sufficient in all respectis as gif the samene chartour and instrument of seasing abovewrittin wer at lenthe insert heirintill, nochtwithstanding the not inserting of the samene, quhairanent his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes dispensit and, be thir presentis, dispensses for evir. And lyikwayes his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis declaires the foirsaid chartour, precept of seasing thairin contenit and instrument of seasing following thairupoun, with this present ratificatioune thairoff, to be guide, valide and sufficient rightis and tytillis to the said Williame Sandelandis of Sanctmonanis, his airis maill, assigneyis and successoures in the saidis landis, for bruikeing and joysing of the samene landis and utheris foirsaidis as thair awin proper heretage at thair plesour in tyme cuming.
- NAS, PA2/20, f.87v-88r.