Act in favoures of the larde of Buchannane

Oure soverane lord, with consent and adwyse of the estaittis of parliament, ratiefies and approvis the act off the commissionaris appoyntit for establischeing and plantatioun of kirkes, off the date at Edinburgh, the xiij day off December, jM vjC sevintene yeiris, quhairby they have ratifiet certane uther actis dissolving the landis of Buchannane whiche wer ane pairt of the parochin of Luss frome the said kirk, and annexand the samene in all tyme cuming to the paroche kirk of Inchecalleoch, in all the haill heiddis, clauses and articles thairoff, quhairbye the saidis landis of Buchannane may in all tyme cuming remayne ane proper pairt off the said parochin of Inchealleoche, salvo jure cuiuslibet.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.87r.