Act in favouris of the laird of Lochinvare

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratiefies and approvis the infeftment made and grantit be his majestie under his hienes gryit seale to his majesties lovit Schir Robert Gordone of Lochinvar, knycht, his aires maill and assigneyis quhatsumevir heretablie off all and haill the baronie of Crocemichaell, comprehending the landis and right of patronage, teyndis and utheris thairin mentionat of the date the [...] day off [...], the yeir of God jM vjC and [...] yeiris, with the precept and instrument off seasing following thairupone, in all and sindrie poyntes, heiddis, articles and clauses thairin contenit efter the formes and tennouris thairoff, and statutes and ordanis this present ratificatioune to be als valide, effectuall and sufficient in all respectis as gif the infeftmentis abovespecifit, precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun wer at lenth and worde be worde insert heirintill. And farder, oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis, for the guide, trew and thankfull service done to his majestie be the said Schir Robert Gordone of Lochinvar, knycht, quhilk service his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes tryit and fund to have bene verie proffitable to his majestie and to this realme and liegis thairoff and worthie of renumeratioun, thairfore his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes dissolvit and dissolvis all and sindrie the landis and utheris underwrittin, to wit: all and haill the tua merk land and ane halff merk land of Suffok, alias Suffok; the fyve merk land off Erne Almerie; the fyve merk land of Auchindole; the fyve merk land of Largneane; the tua merk and ane halff merk land of Ernephillane; the fyve merk land of Culgruiff; the fyve merk land of Cradell, alias Crodell; the fyve merk land of Mollane; the fyve merk land of Hillintoun; the fyve merk land of Harybrand; the ten merk land of Croftis; the fyve merk land of Glengopok; all and haill the landis and manis of Grenelaw, with the kayne peittis and bonday warkis of the haill baronie of Crocemichaell and dew service of the samene baronye and all thair pertinentis; all and haill the fyve merk land of Ernisbie; the ten merk land of Chapelerne; the tua merk and ane halff merk land of Clarebrand, with partis, pendicles and partinentis of the same quhatsumevir; the fyve merk land of Lytill Dryburgh; the fyve merk land of Drumjarg; the fyve merk land of Ernephillane; the fyve mark land off Eirnecraig; the fyve merk land of Blaironye; the fyve merk land of Mekle Dryburgh; the fyve merk land of Chapmantoun; the fyve merkland of Blakerne; the fyve merk land of Ernemunyie; the fyve merk land of Culnotrie; the corne mylne of Crocemichaell; the fyve merk land of Garrantoun; the tua merk and ane halff merk land of Blakpark, with all and sindrie thair castellis, toures, fortalices, maner places, housis, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis, milnis, woddis, fischeingis, pairtis, pendicles, annexis, connexis, outseattis, tennentis, tenandries, service of frie tennentis, fewfermes, kaynis, custumes, services, casualities and all uther commodities of all and sindrie the landis, milne, woddis, fischeingis and utheris above rehersit, all lyand within the stewartrie off Kirkcudbright, all unite, create and incorporat in ane haill and frie barronie callit the barronie of Crocemichaell fra his majesties croun and patrimonie thairoff, and fra all actis of annexatioune maid be his majestie and his predicessouris quhairby the landis and utheris foirsaidis, or ony pairt thairoff, wer annexit to his majesties croun, and exceptis the samen landis and utheris above rehersit furth of the saidis actis of annexatioun. And siclyik has dissolvit and disunitit and, be thir presentis, dissolvis and disunittes all and sindrie the teyndschevis and uther teyndis, alsueill personage as viccarage, fruittis, rentis, emolimentis and dewties quhatsumevir off the paroche kirk of Kirkmabrek lyand within [...] fra the abbacie of [...], and fra all uther abbacyes and benefices quhairunto the same wes annexit or pertenit off before, to the effect that his majestie may giff, grant and dispone to the said Schir Robert Gordoun of Lochinvar, knycht, his airis maill and assignais foirsaidis heretablie all and sindrie the landis, kirkis, teyndis and utheris particularlie and generalie abovespeit, togidder with all richt, tytill, enteres and clame of right quhilk his majestie, his hienes predicessoures or successoures had, hes or onie wayes may have or clame thairto, or ony parte thairoff, in tyme cuming; and siclyik to the effect that his majestie may off new unite, creat and incorporat all and sindrie the landis, kirkes, teyndis and utheris particularlie and generalie abovespecifit, and all thair pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis abovespecifit in ane haill and frie temporall baronie to be callit now and in all tyme cuming the baronye of Crocemichall, ordaning the foirsaid maner place off Grenelaw to be the principall messuage of the said baronie and that ane seasing now to be takin be the said Schir Robert Gordone of Lochinvar, knycht, and be his aires maill and assigneyis foirsaidis in all tyme cuming at the said principall messuage sall stand and be sufficient sesing for all and sindrie the landis, kirkis, teyndis and utheris particuiarlie and generalie abovewrittin, with all thair pertis, pendicles and pertinentis above expremit, but onie uther speciall or particular sasing to be takin be him or thame at ony uther pairt or place thairoff, to be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his successoures in frie blenche, fie, heretage and frie barrony forevir, payand yearlie the said Schir Robert Gordoun and his aires maill and assignais foirsaidis to oure said soverane lord and his successouris for all and sindrie the landis and utheris abovespecifit, with all2 thair pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis above expremit (except the foirsaidis teyndis, personage and viccarage, of the said kirk of Kirkmabrek), the soume off tuentie pundis usuall money of this realme of Scotland at the feast of Witsonday in name of blenche ferme allanerlie, and for all and sindrie the foirsaidis teindschevis, utheris teindis, alsueill personage as viccarage, fructis, rentis, emolimentis and dewties off the said paroche kirk of Kirkmabrek ane pennye money foirsaid at the feist of Witsonday at the said maner place of Crocemichaell in name of blanche ferme, if it beis askit, and lyikwayes payand to the minister present and to cum serveing the cure at the said kirk of Kirkmabrek thair yeirlie stependis and dewties conteanit in the infeftmentis grantit to Jhonne Murraye of the said kirk and teyndis thairoff, and relevand the said Johnne Murray and his foirsaidis of the samen stependis and of the reparatioun of the said kirk and of all taxatiounes, impositiounes and uther burdingis imposit and to be imposit upoun the said kirk and teyndis thairoff, and of the furnesing of the elementis of breid and wyne to the celebratioune of the communione within the said kirk in all tyme cuming allanerlie, with this declaratioun: that this present ratieficatioun extendis not to the kirk of Crocemichaell, quhairunto the laird of Lochinvar, present, consentit. And my lord Nithisdaill presentlie protestit for Dame Agnes Maxuell, spous to Williame Douglas, his sister, that this present act prejudge not hir in hir right to the manis and hous and landis off Grenelaw and pertinentis; quhilk protestatioun the lordis admittit.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.83v-84v.
  2. Written superscript.