Ratificatioun of divers infeftmentis grantit to the toun of Edinburgh for sustentatioun of colledge, ministeris and hospitallis

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considdering that his majestie, with avise of the lordis of his hienes secreit counsell, for the gude and thankfull service done to his hienes and his most noble progenitoures be the provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the burghe of Edinburgh and for the gryit zeale quhilk his majestie cariet to see the youthe tranit up in learning and vertew, gave, grantit and disponit to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh and thair successoures licience and libertie to erect ane colledge and builde and repair sufficient housis and places for receptione of professoures of humane letteris and toungis of philosophie, theologie, medicine, the lawes and of2 all uther liberall sciences, and to erect and chuis sufficient professouris for teiching the saidis professiounes; and to that effect, gave, grantit and disponit to thame and thair successoures the provestrie of the Kirk a Feild with the landis, tenementis, fruittis, possessiounes, rentis, dewties and pertinentis of the same, as at mair lenth is contenit in the chartour and infeftment grantit to theme thairupoune under his hienes gryit seale of the date at Stirling, the fourtene day of Apryill jM vC fourscore tua yeiris. Lyikas, conforme thairto, the saidis provest, bailyeis and counsell of Edinburgh biggit, edifiet and repairit ane gryit ludgeing, togidder with the manse and housis of the said provestrie of the said Kirk of Feild to the use of ane colledge for professioun of philosophie, theologie and humanitie, quhilk colledge hes continewallie sensyne flurischit now be the space of threttie fyve yeiris; and his majestie, schortlie efter the bigging and edifeing of the said colledge, viz: in the moneth of [...] 1584, considdering the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh had bestowit gryit chargis and expenses in erectioun of the said colledge, building of housis and had doted gryit sowmes of money for intertenement off professouris of humanitie, philosophie and theologie within the samene, for instructing of the youthe thairin, gave, grantit and disponit to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh to the use of the said colledge and for sustentatioune off the rectour and regentis within the samene all and haill the archedenerie of Louthiane, conteaning thairin the personage of Currye, with manse, gleib, kirklandis, teindis, fructis, rentis, proffittes and dewties of the samene, as at mair lenth is contenit in the chartour grantit thairupoune off the dait the fourt day off Apryill 1584 yeiris under his hienes grychte seale. Lyik as his majestie, considdering the great chargis and expenses debursit be the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie off the said burgh of Edinburgh in erectioun of ane hospitall upoun intertenement of thair ministerie and colledge foirsaid, gave, grantit and disponit to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh and thair successouris all and haill the provestrie of the Trinitie Colledge, landis, housis, rentis, kirkis, teyndis, utheris fructis, rentis and emolimentis thairto annexit, mair at lenth contentit in the said chartour under his hienes gryit seale off the date the tuentie sext day of Maii 1587 yeiris. Lyik as his majestie, efter his perfyit age of tuentie ane yeiris compleit, be his lettres patentis under his gryit seale, ratiefiet, apprevit and confermit the foirdaidis chartouris off the contentis, daittis respective foirsaid, as at mair lenth is contenit in the chartour of confirmatioun off the samene under his hienes gryit seall off the date the 29 of Julii 1587. Lyik as his majestie, be his new chartour under his hienes gryit seale, off new gave, grantit and disponit to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie off the said burghe of Edinburgh and thair successouris, for intertenement of the said colledge, ministrie and hospitall, all and haill the foirsaid provestrie of the Trinitie Colledge, with utheris certane benefices, kirklandis, teyndis, annuelrentis, tenementis and utheris mair at lenth sett doun in the said chartour and infeftment to be haldin in maner thairin conteaned, quhilk is of the date at Bearvoir Castell, the sevint day off August 1612. Lyik as his majestie, considdering that sindrie and dyerse godlie and wieldisposed persounes hes doted and mortiefied dyerse and sindrie gryit soumes of money to the use of the said colledge and for sutentatioun of professouris of humanitie, theologie and certane bursaris within the same, and his majestie, out off his gratious lufe, affectioun and royall care quhilk he beiris to the grouthe and incres of leirning within this realme, and speciallie within the said burgh of Edinburgh, being his majesties principall toun and burgh within this his kingdome, being maist willing that the formar giftis and particularis grantit thairto be confermit and all farder immunities grantit thairto in als ample forme as any uthair colledge hes or bruikes within this realme, thairfore his majestie, with advyse of the estaittis of the present parliament, ratifies and approvis the foursaidis infeftmentis grantit be his majestie under his hienes gryit seale, togidder with the erectioune of the said gryit ludgeing, manse and hous of the Kirk of Field in ane colledge for professioun of thelolgie, philosophie and humanitie, togidder with the foirsaids mortificatiounes maid be his majestie ather to the use of the colledge or to the use of the ministrie and hospitall of the said burgh, in all and sindrie poyntis, passis, heiddis, articles, conditiounes, pruivledgis, immunities, liberties and utheris circumstances quhatsumevir thairin contenit, efter the forme and tennour thairoff. Lyik as his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis statutes and ordanis that this present ratificatioun is and salbe als valide, effectuall and sufficient in all respectis as giff the forsaidis infeftmentis of the dates respective abovewrittin wer at lenthe and worde be worde ingrossit in this present act. And siclyik his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis willes, grantis, statutes and ordanis that the foirsaidis chartouris and this present ratificatioun of the samene ar and salbe guide, valide, lauchfull and effectuall rightis and securities to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh and thair successouris for bruiking and joising of the landis, benefices, teindis and for erectioun of the said colledge and all uther priviledgis, liberties and commodities contenit in the saidis chartouris in all tyme cuming efter the forme and tennour thairoff; ordaning the clerk of register and his deputtis to extend ane act off parliament heirupoun and to insert and ingrose thairintill the chartouris abovespecifit in mair ample forme. Lyik as his majestie, off his princelie and royall favour and for gude service done to him be the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh, and for thair further encouragement on repairing and reedifeing off the said colledge and placeing thairin sufficient professoures for teiching of all liberall sciences, ordaning the said colledge in all tyme to cum to be callit King James Colledge, and als with advyse of the saidis estaittis, hes of new agane gevin, grantit and disponit to thame and thair successouris in favoures of the said burgh off Edingurgh, patrones of the said colledge and off the said colledge and of the3 rectouris, regentis, bursaris and studentis within the samene, all liberties, fredomes, immunities and priviledgis appertening to ane free colledge, and that in als ample forme and lairge maner as any colldge hes or bruikis within this his majesties realme; and, gif neid beis, ordanis ane new chartour to be exped under his hienes gryit seall for erecting of the said colledge with all liberties, priviledgis and immunities quhilk anye colledge within this realme bruikis, joises or to the samene is knawin to appertene. And for thair farder securitie, his majestie and estaittis hes dissolvit and dissolvis the foirsaids haill giftis and utheris particularlie abovespecifit fra his majesties croun and fra all actis of parliament maid thairanent in sa far as the samene or any pairt thairoff is or may appeir to have bene annexit thairto in tyme bigane to the effect particularlie abovespecifit, and annullis all and quhatsumevir actis and statutes quhilk may be prejudiciall or dirogatorie to the premisse, and, giff neid beis, ordanis new giftis to be exped thairupoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.79v-80v.
  2. Written superscript.
  3. 'said colledge and of the' written superscript.