Ratificatioun of dyvers infeftmentis grantit to the toun off Edinburgh

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratiefies, apprevis and confermes the particulare and severall chartoures and infeftmentis underwrittin maid and grantit be his hienes most noble progenitouris under thair gryit seale to and in favouris of the provest, bailyeis, counsell and deacones off craftis and communitie of the burgh off Edinburgh for the tyme and thair successoures for evir, off all and sindrie landis, offices, customes, liberties and utheris particularie thairin conteanit, that is to say: the chartour made and grantit be umquhile Robert, king of Scotland, under his gryit seall to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh and thair suceessouris off the burgh of Edinburgh, poirt of Leith and pertinentis thairoff, to be haldin of oure soverane lord and his hienes successoures in maner conteanit in the said chartour off the date at Cardros, the tuentie aucht day of Maii, and of his regnne the tuentie fourt; and als the chartour grantit be umquhile King James the Third of famous memorie under the gryit seall to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh off the office of schirrefschip within the said burgh and liberties thairof, with all and sindrie utheris priviledgis and immunities thairin conteanit, of the date the sextene day of November 1482 yeiris, to be haldin as is thairin contenit; and siclyke the chartour grantit be the said umquhile King James the Third of famous memorie to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh and thair successoures for evir, off all and sindrie customes of the poirt of Leithe and raid of the samene mair at lenth particularlie insert thairin, to be haldin off his hieghnes and successoures in maner thairin conteanit, of the date the foirsaid sextene day of November 1482; and siclyik ane chartour and infeftment grantit be umquhile Schir Robert Logane of Restalrig, knycht, under his seale to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh off all and sindrie the passages and wayes leidand to and fra the poirt and harberie of Leithe, conteaning also sindrie utheris liberties, priviledges and immunities thairin contenit, to be haldin in maner thairin specifit off the date the last day off Maii, jM thrie hundereth nyntie aucht; togidder with the chartour of confirmatione maid and grantit be umquhile King James the Fourt of famous memorie under the gryit seale to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh and thair successouris off the foirsaidis tua chartouris particularlie abovewrittin maid be the said umquhile King James the Third of famous memorie and the said Schir Robert Loganis chartour maid be the said umquhile Schir Robert Logane to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh and thair successoures, quhilk is of the date at Stirling, the nynt day off Merche 1510; and siclyik the chartour maid and grantit be umquhile King James the Fourt, his hienes grandfather, under his gryit seale to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh for the tyme and thair successouris, off all and haill the landis and harberie of Newhevin lyand and boundit as is thairin conteined, with the heavin silver, uther proffittis and dewties thairto appertening, with all and sindrie liberties and immunities thairin contenit, to be haldin in maner thairin specifit off the date at Stirling, the nynt day off Marche jM vC and ten; and siclyik ratiefies, approvis and confermis the chartour maid and grantit be his hienes umquhile derrest mother efter hir perfyit aige compleit under the gryit seale to and in favouris of the provest, bailyeis, counsell and deacones of craftis and communitie off the burgh off Edinburgh and thair successoures off all and haill the superioritie of all and haill the toun of Leith, with the pertinentis, alsueill inhabitantis and induellaris within the samene as of the housis, tenementis, annuelrentis, lynkes, orcheartis, proffittes, dewties, services, tennentis, tenandries and service of frie tennentis of the samene and all thair pertinentis, mair at lenth mentionat and sett doun in the said infeftment off the date the fourt day of October 1565 yeiris, to be haldin in maner thairin conteanit in all and sindrie poyntis, passages, heiddis, articles, clauses, conditiounes, priviledgis, liberties and immunities and utheris circumstances quhatsumevir thairin contenit, efter the forme and tenour thairoff. And siclyik oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis ratiefies and approvis oure soverane lordis lettres under his hienes gryit seale gevin to his umquhile rycht traist counsellour Schir Johnne Maitland of Thirlestane, knight, his majesties chancelar and secretare, makand him and his aires his hienes undouttit cessioneris and assigneyis in and to the lettres of reversioun made be the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh to oure said soverane lord umquhile derrest mother, hir aires and successouris for redemptioun fra thame off the said superioritie of the toun of Leithe annaliet be oure said soverane lord, his derrest mother, under reversione of the soume of ten thousand merkis usuall monie of this realme, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said assignatioune of the date the tuentie sevint day of Julii 1587; togidder with the act of parliament ratifieing and appreving the samene, of the date the tuentie nynt day off the saide monethe of Julii the yeir of God foirsaid; togidder with the renunceatioun of the said reversioun maid be Johnne, lord Thirlstane, sone and air off the said umquhile Schir Johnne Maitland, lord chancelair, with advyse and consent of Schir Richert Cokburne of Clerkingtoun, knycht, his tutour testamentar, in favouris of the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell, deacones of craftis and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh, of the date the 28 day of December 1604 yeiris; togidder with the ratificatioun of the same discharge and renunciatioun of the reversioun maid be the said Jhonne, lord Thirlestane to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell, deacones of craftis and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh, the 24 of November 1614; togidder with the chartour grantit be his majestie under the gryit seall to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh of the jurisdictioun of the poirt and harberie of Leithe, with the libertie of the prymgilt to be uplifted for sustentatioun of the pure and decayit marineris within the said toun of Leith, with all and sindrie liberties, priviledgis and immunities thairin conteaned, to be haldin in maner therin conteaned, of the date above writtin. And als ratiefies, approvis and confermes ane chartour grantit be oure said soverane lord under his gryit seale to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh of all and haill that pairt of the landis of Hieriggis, conteaning ten aikeris of land or thairabout, lyand boundit, conteaning and to be haldin in maner conteanit in the said chartour, of the dait the threttie day off Julii 1618, in all and sindrie passages, heiddis, articles, clauses, conditiounes, priviledgis, immunities and utheris circumstances quhatsumevir conteanit in the chartouris, infeftmentis, actis and utheris particularlie abovespecifit, and everie ane of tham, efter the forme and tennour thairoff. Lyik as his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis statutes and ordanis that this present ratificatioune is and salbe valide, effectuall and sufficient in all respectis as gif the foirsaid haill chartouris, infeftmentis, actis and utheris abovewrittin of the daittis respective abovespecifit wer at lenth worde be worde ingrossit in this present act. And siclyik, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis willis, grantis, statutes and ordanis that the foirsaidis chartouris, infeftmentis, actis and utheris particularlie abovespecifit and this present ratificatione thairoff ar and salbe goode, valide, effectuall and lauchfull rightis and securities to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh and there successouris for bruiking and joysing of the said burgh of Edinburgh, mylnes thairoff, poirtis, harberie of Leith and Newhevin, boundis of the samene, wayes and paissages leidand to and fra the samene throwche the boundis of Restalrig, and of the said superioritie of Leithe, and of the said office of schirrefschip and justiciarie of peace within the said burgh of Edinburgh, toun of Leith, poirt of Leithe and Newhevin, and liberties thairoff, and utheris boundis particularlie above expressit, jurisdictioun of the said porte and harberie of Leithe, togidder with the prymgilt to be uplifted to the use foirsaid, and of the saidis ten aikeris of land or thairabout; ordaning the clerk of register and his deputtis to extend ane act of parliament heiron and to insert and ingrose thairintill, ather joyntlie or severallie, the haill chartouris abovespecifit in ample forme. Lyik as his majestie, with the advyse of the estaittis of this present parliament, of new gevis, grantis and disponis to the saidis provest, bailyeis, counsell and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh and thair successouris the said burgh, porte and harberie of Leithe and Newhevin, boundes of the same and passages leidand to and fra the samen burgh throw the said landis of Restalrig, and als the said superioritie of Leithe, and als the said office of schirrefschip and justiciarie of peax within the said burgh of Edinburgh, toun of Leithe, poirt of Leith and Newhevin and liberties thairoff and utheris boundis particularlie above expressit, jurisdictioun of the said porte and harberie of Leith, togidder with the prymgilt to be upliftit to the use foirsaid, with the saidis ten aikeris of land with the Hie Riggis, with als ample liberties, priviledgis and immunities as is conteanit in the particular chartouris, infeftmentis, actis and utheris abovespecifit, to be haldin of his majestie and his successouris in maner contenit and expressit in the severall infeftmentis and tytillis abovespecifit. And for thair farder securities, his majestie and estaittis hes dissolvit and dissolvis the saidis haill burgh, poirtis, harberies, offices, prymgilt and ten aikeris of land and utheris particularlie abovespecifit frome his majesties croun and fra all actis of parliament made thairanent, in sa far as the samen or ony pairt thairoff is or may appear to have bene annexit thairto in any tyme bygane, to the effect particularlie abovespecifit; and annullis all and quhatsumevir actis and statutes quhilkis may be prejudiciall or dirogatorie to the premisses, and, gif neid be, ordanis new chartouris and infeftmentis to be exped thairupoun, but prejudice of the haill remanent royall borrowes, thair haill richt, liberties and immunities useit and wount as accordis of the law.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.76v-78r.