Ratificatioune in favouris of Johnne Auchmowtie of his infeftment of Scougall

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that the landis and leving off Scougall lyand within the lordschip of Tynninghame, schirefdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Hadingtoun, now pertening heretablie and irredimablie to his hienes2 right trustie and weilbelovit servitour Johnne Auchmowtie of Scougall, ane of the gromes of his majesties bedchamber, ar and wer haldin of auld of the archebischopes of Sanctandros and thair successouris in frie blenche for payment yeirlie of the soume of tuentie schillingis usuall money of Scotland at Witsonday and Mertimes be equall portiounes in name of blenche ferme allanerlie, and his majestie and estaittis, considdering that the toure and fortalice of Scougall, haill housis and biggingis thairoff wer brunt be ane suddent fyir be the space of threttie yeiris syne or thairby, be the quhilk fyre the haill chartouris and evidentis for the maist pairt of the saidis landis and leving of Skougall, being within the said toure and fortalice thairoff, wer brunt and distroyit; and his majestie and estaittis being alwayes willing that the want and inlaik of the saidis auld evidentis and wreatis sall infer na hurt nor prejudice to the said Jhonne Auchmowtie, his aires nor successouris, thairfore his hienes and3 estaittis foirsaidis hes ratiefiet, approvin and confermit and, be the tennour heiroff, ratiefies, approvis and confermis all and sindrie infeftmentis, chartouris, preceptis, instrumentis of seasing, confirmatiounes, resignatiounes and utheris wreittis, rightis, tytillis and securities quhatsumevir maid and grantit to the said Johnne Auchmowtie of Skowgall, or anye utheris his predicessoures and authoures of the saidis landis and leving of Skowgall, with the toure, fortalice, linkis, cuninghair, doucat, pasturage, pairtis, pendicles and all thair pertinentis be quhatsumevir persoun or persounes in all tyme bygane, in the haill heiddis and conditiounes thairof, and in speciall, but prejudice of the generall ratificatioun foirsaid, his majestie and estaittis ratiefies and apprevis the chartour and infeftment grantit be the right reverend father in God, umquhile George, archebischope of Sanctandros, with consent of the chaptour thairoff for the tyme, to umquhile Johnne Scougall, sumtyme of that Ilk, his aires maill and assignais quhatsumevir heretablie, off all and haill the saidis landis of Skougall, with the toure, fortalice, housis, biggingis, doucatt, yairdis, cunninghair and haill pertinentis, priviledgis and commodities thairoff, alsueill be sey as land within the auld boundes and merchis of the samene, and with libertie in the commoun mure of Tynninghame to pasture goodes and to cast fewall thairupoun, and utheris dewties pertening to the said commountie, with all thair pertinentis, to be haldin of the said umquhile Archebischope off Sanctandros and his successouris in frie blenche for payment of the said soume of tuentie schillingis usuall money of Scotland at Witsonday and Mertimes in name of blenche ferme allanerlie, quhilk infeftment is of the date at Sanctandros, the tuentie fyift day of Apryill, the yeir of God jM vjC and sevin yeiris, togidder with his majesties confirmatioun past thairupoun under the gryit seale off the date the auchtene day off Junii, the yeir of God jM vjC and tuelff yeiris; togidder also with the contract, chartour and infeftment maid and gevin be the said umquhile Johnne Scougall, sumtyme off that Ilk, of the saidis landis and leving of Scougall and utheris foirsaidis to the said Johnne Auchmowtie, his aires4 and assignais quhatsumevir heretablie and irredimabill, and with the chartour and infeftment of resignatioune maid and grantit be the said umquhile George, archebischope of Sanctandros to the said Johnne Auchmoutie, his aires and assignais off the saidis landis and leving of Scougall and utheris abovewrittin, with thair pertinentis, proceiding upoun the resignatione of the said umquhile Johnne Scougall of that Ilk, lyikwayis haldand of the said umquhile archebischope and his successouris in frie blenche for payment of the said soume off tuentie schillingis in name of blenche ferme allanerlie, quhilk infeftment of resignatioun is of the date the tuelff day off Junii, the yeir of God jM vjC and threttene yeiris; togidder with the haill instrumentis of seasing and utheris rightis and securities following upoun the saidis infeftmentis respective in the haill heidis, clauses and circumstances thairoff with all that hes followit or may follow thairupon. And his majestie and estaittis declairis, decernis and ordanis that this present ratieficatioune and confirmatione salbe als valide, effectuall and sufficient to the said Johnne Auchmowtie, his aires and successouris for bruiking and joysing of the saidis landis and leving of Scougall with the pertinentis as gif all and sindrie the saidis infeftmentis, chartouris, instrumentis of seasing, contractis, procuratories and utheris rychtes, titles5 and securities particularlie and generalie foirsaidis wer speciallie and expreslie insert heirin; anent the quhilk, and all inconvenientis that may follow thairupoun, and with the inlaik and want of the saidis evidentis, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes dispensit and dispensses be thir presentis. And als declares that the want and inlaik of the said old and originall evidentis of the saidis landis salbe no caus of querrelling, annulling and impunging of the said Johnne his present rightis and securities thairoff, bot that the said Johnnes present rychtis and securities of the samene, with the said chartour and infeftment grantit to the said umquhile Johnne Scougall, sumtyme of that Ilk, his authoures thairoff, sall remayne, abyid and be als sufficient to the said Johnne and his foirsaidis as gif the saidis principall and originall evidentis wer extant; and that the said infeftment grantit to the said umquhile Johnne Scowgall, sumtyme of that Ilk, is and salbe fra this tyme furthe repute and haldin the originall infeftment of the saidis landis, and the productioun thairoff sall serve the said Johnne, his aires and successouris in place of the haill auld evidentis and wreatis brunt and destroyed as said is, quhilkis auld brunt evidentis and wreatis the said Johnne nor his foirsaidis sall nawayes be haldin to exhibite nor produce in any judgement at na tyme heirefter.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.75v-76r.
  2. Written superscript.
  3. 'hienes and' written superscript.
  4. Followed by an illegible deletion.
  5. Written superscript.