Ratificatione to Schir Williame Oliphant and his sones of thair infeftmentis of dyvers landis

Oure soverane lord, estaittis and haill bodie of this present parliament ratifies, apprevis and perpetuallie confermis the chartour grantit be his majestie for the causes thairin exprest to his familiare clerk2and trustie counsellour Schir Williame Oliphant of Newithoun, knycht, his hienes advocate, in lyverent for all the dayes of his lyiftyme, and to Maister James Oliphant of Murehous, advocate, before the lordis of counsell and sessioun of the kingdome of Scotland, his aires maill and assignais quhatsumevir in fee heretablie, off all and haill the toun and landis of Kildonyng, with housis, biggingis, toftis, croftis, pairtis, pendicles, outseittis, cottages, prviledgis and commodities thairoff quhatsumevir lyand within the parochin of Fertiveote and schirefdome of Pearthe; and off all and haill the landis of Collindreme and Maw, with the milne of Maw, milnelandis and multouris thairoff lyand within the schirefdome of Fyiff, gevin in speciall warrandice and securitie of ane pairt of the foirsaid toun and landis of Kildoning; and siclyik of all and haill the landis of Baldoneis, with tennentis, tenandries and service of frie tennentis of the samene, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis thairoff lyand within the schirefdome off Pearthe, quhilkis haill landis speciallie above rehersit, with the salmond fischeing in the water of Erne and commontie in and throw the haill commontie of Forgundenye, with pairtis, pendicles, priviledgis and commodities thairoff, ar erectit in ane haill and frie baronye callit the baronye of Kildoning, and to the said Schir Williame in lyverent and to Maister Williame Oliphant, his secund sone, his aires maill and assigneyis quhatsumevir in fee heretablie off all and haill the halff landis and baronie of Strabrok, with the halff milne thairoff, advocatioune and donatioune off the kirk and chaplanrie of Strabrock, alternatis vicibus, with tennentis, tenandries, service of frie tennentis thairoff and thair partinentis lyand within the schirefdome of Linlithgow, erectit in ane frie baronye callit the barronye off Strabrok Oliphant, quhilk chartour conteanis ane claus de novo damus and is gevin, grantit and disponit to be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his hienes successoures in frie blensche ferme for payment of the blensche ferme dewtie expressit in the samene, with the preceptis and instrumentis of seasing following upoun the said chartour, quhilk is of the date at Newmercate, the fourt day off Februare, the yeir of God jM vjC and auchtene yeiris, in all and sindrie heiddis, poyntis, articles, clauses, circumstances, conditiounes, priviledges, liberties and immunities quhatsumevir conteanit in the foirnamit chartour; and willes, declairis, statutes and ordanis this present ratificatioune to be of als gryit strenthe, force and effect as gif the said chartour, with the preceptis and instrumentis of seasing following thairupoun, haill tennouris and contentis thairoff wer worde be worde at lenthe insert heirin; quhairanent oure said soverane lord and estaittis of parliament dispensis be thir presentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.71v-72r.
  2. Written superscript.