Dissolutioun of the pryourie of Hadingtoun in favoures of the Maister of Lauderdaill

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considdering that the abbacie and pryourie of Hadingtoun, quhilk consistis pairtlie of temporall landis and pairtlie of kirkis and teyndis, is alreddy for the maist pairt disponit to his majesties traist cousing and counsellour Jhonne, vicount of Lauderdaill, lord Thirlestane, conforme to his infeftmentis thairoff, quhilkis ar ratiefiet in parliament, and that thair is na benefite, proffite nor commoditie to be reapit of the said pryourie, except allanerlie off the superioritie of the landis and baronyes pertening thairto, quhairoff the propertie for the maist pairt is establischit in the persoun of the said Jhonne, vicount of Lauderdaill as said is; and als that the kirkis and teyndis of the said pryourie ar disponit or sett in tak and assedatioun for manye yeiris, sua that scairslie thair is sa mekle frie as will sustene the ministeris serveing the cure at the saidis kirkes; and his majestie, remembering the guid, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes be umquhile Johnne, lord Thirlestane, chancellar of this realme, father to the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, togidder with the continewall service of the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, his sone, in his attendance of the publict effairis, both of sessione and counsell, quhilkis his majestie and estaittis findes to deserve ane condigne recompence and remuneratioun, and becaus his majestie findis not for the present ane proper occasione to benefite the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill according to the worthines of his service, and his majestie understanding that Maister Patrik Maitland of Auchincreif, quha is lauchfullie prowydit to the said pryourie, is willing to dimite the said pryourie, monasterie place, kirkis and utheris pertening thairto in his majesties handis, in favouris of Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill, eldest lauchfull sone to the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, to the effect his majestie may erect and dispone the samene to the sade Johne, maister of Lauderdaill and his aires, and his majestie being maist willing thairwith to dispone the superioritie off the saidis haill baronyes and landis pertening of auld to the said abbacye of Hadingtoun, to the effect the samene, togidder with the kirkis and teyndis pertening thairto, may be all erectit in ane temporall lordschip in favouris of the said Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill, his aires maill and assigneyis, and that as ane testimonye of his majesties gracious favoures and rememberance of the faithfull services done to his hienes be the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill and his said umquhile father; thairfore his majestie and estaittis of parliament, for the causes foirsaidis, hes dissolvit and, be the tennour of this present act, dissolvis all and haill the landis, baronies and utheris underwrittin quhilkis pertenit of auld to the said pryourie of Hadingtoun, viz: fyve oxingate of land of the lordschip of Hadingtoun pertening to the said monasterie; all and sindrye landis lyand on baith the syiddes of the water of Tyne, with thair pertinentis, in the territorie of Stevinstoun; item, the landis of Bagbie, with the pertinentis; item, tua oxingate of landis and sevin aikeris with thair pertinentis in the territorie of Pilmure besyid Bagbie; item, tua oxingate of land with thair pertinentis besyid the toun of Hadingtoun; item, the landis and tenementis of Sanctmartinisgate with the milnes and utheris pertinentis; item, ten aikeris of land with the pertinentis in the territorie of Sagrestoun, with tuelff rude of moss land in Wynningden; item, ane pleughgait lyand besyid the kirk of Garvat with the pertinentis; item, the landis and tenementis of Garvat, Eistgrange, Snawdoun, Foulles, Glentarff, Carfra, Newlandis, Lesnunhoopes, quhilkis wer callit of auld Eister Hoopes, Neiwithoun, Groseley, Slaide, with ane pece of land of the territorie off Baro, with mylnes; item, ane tenement of Harveistoun with the pertinentis; item, tua oxingate of land with the pertinentis in the territorie of Benestoun and thrie rudes of moss land in the territorie of Merkill; item, ane toft and ane certane pece of land with the pertinentis in the territorie off Stayntoun; item, ane toft and ane gardine with ellevin aikeris of land in the territorie of Popill, withe the pertinentis; item, ane coster of land with the pertinentis in the territorie of Stanypethe; item, the land of Nunsyid, with the partinentis, besyid Hadingtoun; item, ane merk of annuelrent furth of ane certane feild land besyid Giffart Gait; item, sindrie borrow tenementis and rentis in the burghis and tounes of Hadingtone, Beruick, Roxburgh, Edinburgh, Inverkeithing, Northberuik, [...], Abirlauddye and Ranfrew, with the fischeing of ane nett thair in the water off Clyid, with the pertinentis; the kirklandis off Carraill; the halff of the fischeing of the haill parochin, with the landis and pertinentis annexit to the chappell of Sanct Rufe; the landis of Salchos, Newithoun, Pitcorthe, furde and halffrude of land of Croftrie; sindrie borrow tenementis and rentis of the kirk off Carraill; ellevin aikeris of land of Redermen, Pittenweymes with the partenentis; libertie of multouris in the mylne of Carraill, alsueill teind multer as utheris, with commoun pasturage in the commoun of Carraill and fewall in the Kingis Mure besyid Carraill; and with all and sindrie uther easmentis and pertinentis pertening to the saidis landis, togidder with the milnes, corne and walkmilnes, of the saidis landis with the teindis, personage and viccarage, of all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis and milnes thairin includit, togidder with all uther landis, milnes, fischeingis, tenementis, annuelrentis and utheris quhatsumevir quhilkis pertenit of before to the said pryourie of Hadingtoune as ane pairt of the patrimonie thairoff and quhairoff the pryoures and pryoureses of the said pryourie wer in possessioun at any tyme before; togidder also with the heretabill right and superioritie of all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis, baronies, tenementis, teindis, milnes and utheris above expressit and siclyik all and haill the place and ground upoun the quhilk the said monasterie and abbacie of Hadingtoun wes sumtyme situat and haill precinct thairoff, housis, biggingis and pertinentis of the samene, togidder with the kirkis of Garvate and the chapell of Sanct Rufe within the castell of Carraill, and haill teyndis of the samene, personage and viccarage thairoff, with the teyndis of ane oxingate of land quhilk sumtyme belangit to the territorie of Drem and now to the territorie of Athelstanefurde, the teyndis of multouris, the teindis of the landis off the Barnes and the Byires besyid Hadingtoun quhilkis wer callit of auld the Grange of Hadingtoun and Garmiltoun, with the pertinentis, personage and viccarage thairoff; the teindis off certane croftis of Hadingtoun and Harperfeild, alsueill gryit as small; item, the teyndis of the milnes of Hadingtoun, togidder with all uther teyndis, gryit and small, quhilkis pertenit of before to the said pryourie of Hadingtoun, with advocatioun, donatioun and right of patronage of the saidis kirkis, chapellis and chaplanries, personages and viccarages and utheris quhatsumevir pertening to the said pryourie of auld, fra the act of parliament maid in the moneth of September 1571 intitulated 'Anent landis, rowmes and possessiounes haldin off freiris or nunnes within this realme anent the annexing of all freiris and nunnes landis to his hienes croun', and als fra the generall act of annexatioun made in the monethe of Julij 1587 anent the annexatione of all kirklandis to his majesties croun, and fra all uther actis of annexatioun quhairby the landis, baronyes and utheris foirsaidis or anye pairt thairoff is or may be estemit to be annexit to his majesties croun and fra the said abbacie and pryourie of Hadingtoun, and hes suppresit and extinguischit the name, title and memorie of the said pryourie and that to the effect following, viz: to the effect his majestie may dispone and erect the saidis landis, baronies, kirkes, teindis and utheris foirsaidis particularlie and generalie abovespecifit in ane temporall baronye to the said Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill and his aires maill lauchfullie to be gottin of his bodie, quhilkis failyeing, to the aires maill lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin of the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, his bodie, quhilkis all failyeing, to the said vicount, his aires maill and of tailyee conteanit in his infeftment of the lordschip of Thirlestane off the date at Linlithgow, the sevint day off Marche 1593, to be haldin of his majestie and his successoures in frie blenche for payment of the soume of fourtie merkis usuall money of Scotland of blenche dewtie, and als payand to the minister serveing the cure at the kirk of Garvat and his successoures the stepend modifiet be the commissioneris appoyntit be parliament in Julii, jM vjC and sevintene, for plantatioun of kirkes, as thair decreit at lenth beiris. And his majestie and estaittis disponis to the said Jhonne, maister of Lauderdaill and his aires maill foirsaidis the heretable right and superioritie off all and sindrie the foirnamit landis, baronies, tennentis, teindis, milnes and utheris above expressit, and decernis and ordanis him and his aires to be superiouris to the heretable tennentis of the saidis landis and utheris foirsaidis in all tyme cuming. And siclyik his majestie and estaittis declairis the saidis teyndis, kirk, baronies and utheris foirsaidis to be frie of all thirdis and utheris dewties nochtwithstanding of quhatsumevir act or statute maid in the contrair, and erectis the saidis landis, kirkis, teyndis and utheris foirsaidis in ane haill and frie baronye to be callit in all tyme cuming the baronye of Hadingtoun. And becaus the saidis landis, baronies, mylnes, fischeingis, kirkis, teindis and utheris foirsaidis wer of auld doted, mortefied and gifted to the said abbacie and monasterie of Hadingtoun, pryoures and pryouresses thairoff before the yeir of God jM [...] yeiris or thairby, and therefter be King James the First2 of worthie memorie, his majesties grandschir, ratiefied and confermit be his majesties chartour under the gryit seall off the date the last day of August, jM iiijC lviij yeiris, thairfore his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes ratifiet and approvin and, be this present act, ratiefies and approvis the samene confirmatioun off the said mortificatioune in all and everie heid, article and claus of the samene; and willis and declairis that the benefite of the said mortificatioun and confirmatioun, haill immunities, priviledges and liberties thairin conteanit introducit in favouris of the saidis pryoures and pryouresses sall redound and be competent to the said Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill and his foirsaidis as being cum in thair place siclyik and als frielie in all respectis as the samene in anye tyme bygane wes competent to thame or thair predicessouris be vertew of the foirsaid mortificatioune and ratificatioune, quhilkis ar be thir presentis declarit to be als sufficientlie ratiefiet and approvin as the samene wer ingrossit de verbo in verbum heirintill. And his majestie and estaittis gevis and grantis full power to the said Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill and his foirsaidis to dispone and present pleno jure the saidis particular paroche kirkes and parochines, personages, viccarages and chaplanries thairoff, sua oft as the samen salhappin to waik be deceis, dimissioun, inhabilite, not residence or utherwayis quhatsuevir, and it is expreslie declairit be thir presentis that in respect the foirsaidis kirkis pertening to the said abbacie, dissolvit and erected in maner foirsaid, and ministeris serveing the cure thairat ar weill and sufficientlie prowydit in gude and competent stependis be the present takismen of the teindis off the saidis kirkis, thairfore the said Johnne, maister of Lauderdaill and his foirsaidis salbe frie of the said burding off prowyding the saidis kirkis sua lang as the saidis takismene, thair richtis thereto salhappin to stand and indure in thair awin strenthe and force, and that nochtwithstanding any act of parliament maid in the contrair; and speciallye nochtwithstanding the commissioun grantit in anno 1606 for erecting off prelacies, modificatioune of his majesties dewtie to be ressavit furthe thairoff and off the ministeris stependis serveing the cure at the kirkis of the samen, or any uther act of parliament quhatsumevir quhilkis his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis be thir presentis declairis sall nawayes be prejudiciall, hurtfull or dirogatorie heirto in ony soirte. And it is declairit that this present act sall nawayes be prejudiciall to the said Johnne, vicount of Lauderdaill, his heretabill rycht of the saidis landis, baronies, kirkis and teyndis with the haill priviledgis and immunities disponit to him of before be his majestie in the monethe of Marche 1593 conforme to his infeftment thairoff, quhilk his majestie and estaittis ratefies and approvis be thir presentis, but prejudice to the Erle of Melrose and to the Lord Lindesay of thair rightis.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.55v-57r.
  2. Sic. '[secund]' in APS.