Ratieficatione in favouris of the Earle of Kellie

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament ratifeis and apprevis the chartoure and infeftment under his majesties gryit seale to his majesties trustie counsing Thomas, erle of Kellie, vicount off Fentoun, lord Dirletoun, his aires maill and assigneyis off all and sindrie the lands, milnes and utheris landis thairin conteanit quhilk pertenit of before to the freris predicatoures off Striviling and all unite and erectit in ane tenandrie callit the tenandrie off Royall Croft, to be haldin of his majestie and his successoures in fewferme for payment of certane particular fewferme dewties extending in the haill to threttie sex pund, fyve schillingis usuall money of this realme, and doubling of the samene at the entrie of the air, as in the said chartour and infeftment of the date at Edinburgh, the tuentie sevint day of Junii jM vjC and sex yeiris at mair lenth is contenit; togidder with the precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun in the haill heiddis, articles, clauses and conditiones thairin conteanit; and willis and grantis that this present ratieficatioun salbe als valide and effectuall as giff the said chartour and infeftment, with the precept and seasing following thairupoun, wer insert heirin de verbo ad verbum. And siclyik, his majestie and estaittis hes dissolvit and, be thir presentis, dissolvis the saidis haill freir landis, milnes and utheris foirsaidis conteanit in the said infeftment fra his majesties croun and fra all actis of annexations made for annexing of the samene thairto, to the effect the samyne may be of new disponit to the said Thomas, erle of Kellie and his foirsaidis, to be haldin of his majestie and his successouris in fewferme for payment of the said fewferme dewtie of threttie sex pundis, fyve schillingis money foirsaid and doubling of the samyne at the entrie of the air; and ordanis infeftmentis to pas heirupoun, giff neid be, in forme as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.49v-50r.