Ratieficatioun in favoures of the Erle of Lowithiane

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estaittis of this present parliament, for gude respectis and considerationes, be thir presentis ratifies and apprevis the chartoure and infeftment maid and grantit be his hienes, with advyse and consent off the lordis his hienes commisioneris of this kingdome under the gryit seale thairoff, to his right traist cousing and counsellour Robert, earle of Lowithiane, lord Ker of Newbotle and Morphet, his aires and assigneyis specifit thairintill, of all and haill the lordschip of Newbotle off the date the tuentie nynt day of Merche lastbypast, in all and sindrie the heiddis, poyntis, clauses and conditiounes contenit in the said infeftment efter the forme and tennour thairoff, with all and sindrie utheris infeftmentis maid and grantit be his hienes off the said lordschip of Newbotle to the said Robert, earle of Lowithiane and umquhile Mark, erle of Lowithiane, his father, and thair aires off quhatsumevir daittis, tennoures or contentis the samene be off or beiris, with the haill rightis quhairupoun the same proceidit, with all that hes followit thairupoun; and willis, grantis and declairis that this present ratieficatioun thairoff in generall salbe als sufficient and effectuall as gif the same and everie ane of thame wer heirin specialie expressit, ratifiet and approvin.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.49r.