Procedure: continuation of parliament; asking of instruments

The lordis commissionaris foirsaidis of parliament continewis this present parliament and all summoundis, actiounes, causes, supplicatiounes, petitiounes and articles quhatsumevir to be treated thairintill to the tuentie thrid day of Julii nixtocum, to be haldin att Edinburgh, quhair the saidis lordis commissionaris ordanes the haill estaitis of parliament to attend and await under the panes contenit in the actes of parliament; and ordanes publicatioune to be maid of this present continewatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh. Upoun the quhilk fensing and continewing of this present parliament, Schir Williame Oliphant of Newithoun, knicht, advocat to our soverane lord, in his hienes name, askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.1r.