Ratification to Schir Andro Hamiltoun

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considdering the gude, trew and thankfull service done to his majestie be his trustie and weilbelovit counselloure Schir Andro Hammiltoun of Reidhous, knicht, ane of the senatouris of his hienes colledge off justice in the publict effairis off the realme, and willing to encowrage him to continew thairintill; and als haveing advysedlie considderit the tennouris of the chartoures and infeftmentis underwrittin and haill progres of the auld tytillis, rightis and securities quhairupoun the samen proceidit, have thairfore ratefiet, approvin and confermit and be the tennour heiroff for his majestie and his succeisoures, with advyse of the saidis estaittis off this present parliament, ratifies, apprevis and for evir confermes the chartouris and infeftmentis following, viz: ane chartour of alienatioun maid and grantit be umquhile James Fawsyid, than apperand of that Ilk, heretable proprietar of the landis underwrittin, and Maister Robert Fawsyid of that Ilk, lyverentar of the same, with advyse and consent of certane persounes thairin mentionat, to umquhile Maister Jhonne Layng off Spittellis, keipar of his majestyes signet, and Rebecca Dennestoun, his spous, in lyverent, and to the said Schir Andro Hammiltoun off Reidhous, knicht, and umquhile Dame Jeane Layng, his spous, in conjunctfie and thair airis and assignayis thairin mentionat, off all and haill ane of thair tua housband landis lyand in the toun and territorie of Ballincreiff callit Westir Bissetleyis, off the date the tuenty third and tuenty sext dayes of November 1609, togidder with his majesties confirmatioun maid under the gryit seall off the date the tuentie aucht day of Apryill 1610, ratefiand and confirmand the foirsaid chartour of alienatioun; and ane uther chartour of confirmatioun and infeftment grantit be his majestie under the gryit seall off the date the nyntene day of November 1612, ratefeand and apprevand ane instrument of seasing grantit be the said umquhile Maister Jhonne Layng off Spittellis, off all and sindrie the landis off Reidspittell, alias Wester Reidspittell, and landis off Easter Spittell, and landis off Coittis with maner places, toures, fortalices, houses, biggingis, yairdis, orcheardis, doucattis, mylne, mylnelandis, medowis, outseattis, toftis, croftis, pairtis, pendicles, annexis, connexis and all thair pertinentis, and dyvers utheris chartoures, infeftmentis and securities of the saidis landis and utheris foirsaidis consavit in favouris of the said Schir Androw Hammiltoun, his said spous and airis betuix thame, quhilkis failyeing, the nerrest lauchfull aires of the said Schir Andro and his assigneyis quhatsumevir; and als conteanand ane new gift and dispositioun quhairby his majestie hes of new gevin, grantit, disponit and confermit to the said Schir Andro Hammiltoun and umquhile Dame Jeane Layng, his spous, in conjunctfie and to thair airis and assigneyis thairin mentionat heretablie all and sindrie the saidis landis of Easter Spittell with the pertinentis foirsaid; and als ane uther chartour and infeftment grantit be his majestie under the gryit seall to the said Schir Andro Hammiltoun, his aires maill and assignais quhatsumevir, off all and haill the halff of the landis and manis of Ballincreiff sumtyme pertening to Johnne Borthuik, portionar of Ballincreif, with the corne mylns biggit thairupoun, multeris and sequellis of the same, with mansiounes, yairdis, doucattis, medowes, pairtis, pendicles and haill pertinentis thairoff, off the date the penult day off Junii 1616, beirand the samen landis to be haldin of his majestie in frie blenche, togidder with the act of dissolutioun maid in favoures of the said Jhonne Borthuick thairanent in the parliament haldin at [...], upoun the [...] day off [...] 1592; and als the decreit of the lordis of counsell gevin in favoures of the said Schir Andro Hammiltoun aganis his majestyes comptrollar, thesaurer and advocate upoun the [...] day off Merche lastbypast 1617, quhairby the lettrez raisit at the instance of his majesties comptroller, thesaurer and advocat for payment of a certane few dewtie acclamit furth of the saidis halff landis of the manis of Ballincreif ar simpliciter suspendit in all and sindrie poyntis, passis, heiddis, claussis, provisiounes and conditiounes thairin conteanit, with all that hes followit thairupoun; and declairis and ordanis this present ratificatioun to be als guid, valide, effectuall and sufficient to the said Schir Andro, his airis and assignayes thairin mentionat as gif the foirsaidis chartouris and decreittis de verbo in verbum had bene exprest and sett doun heirintill, and that nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir law, statute, act or ordinance maid or to be maid in the contrair.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.31v-32r.