Ratificatioun to the Lord Blantyre

Oure soverane lord and estaittis off this present parliament, haveing sene and considderit the infeftment maid and gevin be his majestie, for his hienes selff and as father and lauchfull administratour to his majesties derrest sone, the prince and stewart of Scotland, under his hienes gryit seall off the date the auchtene day of Januare, the yeir of God jM vC fourscore auchtene yearis, to his hienes right traist cousing Walter, lord off Blantyre, his airis maill and assigneyis heretablie, off all and haill the landis and baronye of Blantyre, comprehending thairin the landis, mylnes, woddis, fischeingis, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronages and utheris particularlie and generallie specifit and contenit in the said infeftment, with thair pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis quhatsumevir; and als the infeftment maid and gevin be his majestie, for his hienes selff and as father and lauchfull administratoure to his majesties derrest sone, the prince and stewart of Scotland, under his hienes gryit seall off the date the tuelff day off August, the yeir of God jM vjC and fyiftene yearis, to Williame, maister off Blantyre and Helene Scott, his future spous, and thair airis2mentionat thairin, off the foirsaidis landis and baronye of Blantyre, comprehending thairin the landis, mylnis, woddis, fischeingis, advocatioun, donatioun and right of patronages and utheris particularlie and generallie specifit and contenit in the said infeftment, with thair pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis quhatsumevir; and lyikwayis the infeftment maid and gevin be his majestie under his hienes gryit seall off the date the tuentie day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vjC and sextene yearis, to the saidis Williame, maister of Blantyre and Dame Helene Scott, his spous, and thair airis maill specifit thairin, off all and haill ane merk land of auld extent off Blantyre Craig, and of all and haill the place or mansioun callit the Craig of Blantyre, with houses, biggingis, yairdis, orcheartis, parkis, medowes, woddis, fischeingis, pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis thairof, lyand within the baronie of Blantyre and schirrefdome off Lanark; and being ryiplie advyisit thairwith, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes ratiefied and approvin and be the tennour heiroff ratifies and approvis the foirsaidis infeftmentis and ilkane of thame in the haill heiddis, articles, clauses, conditiounes and circumstances quhatsumevir specifit and conteaned thairin and haill contentis thairoff, decerning and ordaning the generalitie heiroff to be als guid, valide and effectuall in all respectis as gif the haill foirsaidis infeftmentis respective wer at lenth worde be worde insert heirin, dispensand thairanent be thir presentis, and declairing the said Williame, now lord off Blantyre and his said spous and thair aires to have the undoubted right to the haill foirsaidis landis, baronyes, mylnis, woddis, fischeingis, maner places, advocatiounes, donatiounes and richt of patronages and utheris particularlie and generallie specifit and exprest in the foirsaidis thrie infeftmentis, and ilkane of thame with all thair pairtis, pendicles and pertinentis quhatsumevir in all tymes cuming, to be bruikit and joysit be thame efter the forme and tennour of the saidis infeftmentis respective in all poyntis.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.27v.
  2. Written superscript.