Procedure: protest; asking of instruments

The quhilk day comperit Robert, erle of Roxburgh, in name and behalff of the laird of Greneheid, and siclyk the Lord of Garlies, being personallie present, compeirit for him selff, and als compeirit Jhonne Belchis, advocat, as procutour for the lairdis of Lochinvar, Pharniehirst, Lag, Schir James Ker, Jhonne Gordone off Ettlestoun, Jhonne Gordoun of Troquhen, James Gordone of McCartney and Gilbert Greir of Daltoun, and in name and behalff of the foirsaidis persounes, and ilkane of thame, protestit for the same persones and ilkane of them for quhome they compeirit, that the act maid in favoures of Robert Maxuell, brother germane to umquhile Johne, sumtyme lord Maxuell, his bairnes, posteritie and airis tuicheing his majesties gratious dispositioun to him and thame making thame capable and able to bruke, jois and posses quhatsumevir landis, heretages, takis, stedingis, roumes, possessiones, teindis, houses, woddis, fischeingis, patronages and utheris at lenth specifiet and contenit in the said act, as the same of the date of thir presentis at lenth beiris, and in thair names and behalffis protestit that the foirsaidis persounes, and ilkane of thame, thair aires and assignais suld not be prejudgit be the said act anent quhatsumevir rightis and tytillis acquyrit be thame or ony of thame of the said leving of Maxuell or ony pairt thairof proceding upoun the said Lord Maxuell, his foirfaultrie; quhairupoun the foirsaidis persones askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.26r.