Legislation: private act
Act in favoures of Robert Maxuell

Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the estaittis of parliament, off his gratious favoure, decernis and declairis Robert Maxuell, brother germane to umquhile Johnne, sumtyme lord Maxuell, his bairnis, posteritie and airis to be capable and able to brooke, jois and posses quhatsumevir landis, heretages, takis, teyndis, steddingis, roumes, possessiounes, houses, woddis, fischeingis, patronages and utheris pertening to the said umquhile Jhonne, sumtyme lord Maxuell at ony tyme bigane disponit be his majestie to the said Robert Maxuell, his airis and successoures, or acquyrit be him in onye tyme bygane fra quhatsumevir uther persoun or persones, or to be acquyrit be the said Robert in his awin persone, his airis and successoures in ony tyme cuming, or quhilkis ar as yit in his majesties handis fallin thairin be vertew of the said umquhile Lord Maxuellis foirfaultrie, or yit before the date heirof not disponit be his hienes to na persone nor persounes, and that alsfrielie and amplie in all respectis as ony uther frie liege and subject of this realme of Scotland may bruik ony landis, possessiounes and utheris foirsaidis, and rehabilitatis the persounes of the said Robert Maxuell and his foirsaidis for that effect, and that nochtwithstanding of the said foirfaultrie led and deducit aganis the said umquhile Johne, sumtyme lord Maxuell, his brother, and as gif the samen foirfaultrye had nevir bene led nor deducit aganis the said umquhile Jhonne, sumtyme lord Maxuell, swa far as may concerne the premisse. And his hienes, with advyse and consent foirsaid, of his gratious favour, decernis and declairis that it sall not be leasum to ony persoun or persounes to object the said foirfaultrie aganis the persones of the said Robert, his airis and posteritie in judgement nor outwith judgement in na tyme cuming as giff the said foirfaultrie had nevir bene pronuncit, led nor deduced, to hinder, stope and impeid thame to bruke and jois the foirsaidis landis and utheris foirsaidis of the leving of Maxuell acquyrit, or to be acquyrit, be him and his foirsaidis in maner foirsaid, or disponit to him be his majestye alreddye or in the right and brukeing of the rest of the saidis landis and leving off Maxuell, quhilkis ar as yit in his majesties handis fallin thairin be vertew of the said foirfaultrie, and yit not disponit be his hienes as said is; and als to bruike and joise quhatsumevir uther landis he hes acquyrit alreddie, or that he or his airis sall acquyre heirefter, reservand alwayes and exceptand furth of this act2 all tytillis, honnouris and dignities quhilkis pertenit of auld to the hous of Maxuell and offices of the stewartries of Annandaill and Galloway, quhilkis wer haldin be the said umquhile Jhonne, sumtyme lord Maxuell, or his predicessoures immediatlie of oure said soverane lord or his hienes predicessoures; and als reservand and exceptand the lands disponit be his majestie to the lairdis of Lochinvare and Lag throw and be the said foirfaultrie; and als the landis of the leving of Maxuell disponit be his hienes to the Lord Cranstoun incace the said Robert Maxuell and Lord Cranstounes appoyntment tak not effect; and gif the samen tak effect heirefter, then this act to be extendit also to these landis of the leving of Maxuell quhilkis wer disponit to the said Lord Cranstoun as said is, and quhilkis salbe acquyred fra him be the said Robert Maxuell; and als reservand all uther mennis rightis acquyrit of his hienes proceding upoun the said foirfaultrie of the said umquhile Jhonne, sumtyme lord Maxuell in ony tyme bigane preceding the daitt heiroff of ony pairt of the landis and leving of the lordschip of Maxuell, and quhilkis as yit ar not acquyred be the said Robert Maxwell fra the persounes to quhome the same is disponit, quhais rightis and tytillis of the samen landis of the leving of Maxuell, giff the samen salbe acquyred heirefter be the said Robert, his airis and successoures, this act of rehabilitatione to tak than also place in thair persounes for these landis of the leving of Maxuell to be acquyred heirefter as said is as gif the samen had bene speciallie conteaned and expressed in this present act.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.26r.
  2. Written superscript.