Procedure: protest
Protestatioun made by the Earle of Roxburgh

The quhilk day comperit personallie ane noble and potent lord Robert, earle of Roxburgh, lord Ker off Cesfurde and Cavertoun etc., and protestit that the dissolutioun maid in this present parliament of the threttie schilling land of Newtoun and kirkis of Home, Gordoun and Fogo quhilk pertenit of auld to the abbacie of Kelso, and erectioun and dispositioun to follow thairupoun, sall nawayis be prejudiciall to the rightis and securities quhilkis he hes in and to the saidis landis and kirkis and teyndis thairoff, or onye pairt of the same as accordis of the law.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.25v.