Act for cheingeing of the kirk of Strathgeth

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that the kirk of the parochin of Strageth wes of auld situat and biggit upoun the newk and utmost pairt of the said parochin of Strageth, and the parochoneris thairof finding the same nowayes to be meit to be the paroche kirk of the said parochin in respecte off the wyidnes and gryit boundis of the said parochin, they thairfore be the space of tuentye four yeiris or thairby biggit and foundit within the toun of Blakfurde, quhilk lyis and is within the middis of the said parochin, ane new kirk for the gryit ease of the parochoneris of the said parochin for resoirting thairto to heir the worde of God and ressave the benefittes of the kirk; quhilk kirk sua biggit be thame within the said toun of Blakfurde hes continewallie sen the bigging and founding thairoff bene the paroche kirk of the said parochin, and the haill parochoneris of the said parochin of Strageth hes continewallie sensyne ressavit the benefite of the kirk thairat; thairfore oure said soverane and estaittis of this present parliament ratefies and apprevis the foirsaid transportatioun of the said paroche kirk of Strageth to the said toun off Blakfurde; and decernis and ordanis the samen kirk now biggit within the said toun off Blakfurde to be the principall kirk of the said parochin of Strageth in all tyme cuming; and ordanis the haill parochoneris thairoff to resoirt thairto and ressave the benefite of the kirk thairat.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.22v-23r.