Anent the erectioun of the kirk of Ballintrae

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, haveing consideratioun that of lang tyme bygane and almaist evir sen the reformatione of religioune the paroche kirk of Innertig in Carrik hes bene altogidder ruinous and decayed, sua that now thair is scairse a monument to be sene quhair the samen wes foundit; and that of late the Laird off Barganie upoun ane verie religious and gryit zeale and affectioun, upoun his lairge and sumpteous chairgis and expenses, hes caused builde and edefie ane kirk within the toun of Ballintrae, now erected in ane burgh of baronie lyand maist ewest and contigue to the said parochin callit Kirkcudbright Innertig, quhairunto the parochoneris thairoff and the tennentis, induellaris upone the ten pund land of Ardstincher, also pertening heretablie to the said Laird of Barganye, hes resoirted and repaired thir dyvers yeiris bygane for heiring of the worde and use of the sacramentis; lyik as thair is ane manse and gleibe voluntarlie designed to the minister serveing the cure at the said kirk of Ballintrae out of the said Laird of Barganyis awin proper landis and heretage, without anye constraynt, quhairoff the said minister is in actuall and present possessioun, lyik as he hes bene thir sindrie yeiris bygane; thairfore oure soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis ratefies and apprevis the dedicatioun and erectioun off the said kirk of Ballintrae and of the manse and gleibe thairoff foirsaid, and statutes and ordanis the samen to be the onlie paroche kirk of the said parochin of Kirkcudbright Innertig and of the ten pund land of Ardstincher, quhairunto the haill parochoneris and inhabitantis thairoff2 sall repair in tyme cuming for heiring of the worde and use of the sacramentis, but prejudice alwayis to the abbote of Croceraguell and his successoures and all utheris haveand enteres of thair rightis and tytillis of the teindis of the said3 parochin of Innertig of the said ten pond land of Ardstincher; quhairunto this present act sall mak na dirogatioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.21v-22r.
  2. Written superscript.
  3. Written superscript.