Act anent the Clangregour

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, remembering how that his sacred majestye being verie justlie moved with a haterent and detestatioun of the barbarous murtheris and insolences committed be the Clangregoure upoun his majestyes peciable and goode subjectis of the Lennox at Glenfrone in the moneth of Februare 1603, and how that the bair and simple name of McGregoure maid that haill clane to presume of thair power, force and strenthe and did encourage thame without reverence of the law or feare of punischement to go fordward in thair iniquities; upone the consideratioun quhairof, his majestie, with advyse of the lordis of secreit counsell, maid dyvers actis and ordinances aganis thame, especiallie one act upoun the third day of Apryill 1603 whereby it wes ordanit that the name of McGregoure sulde be altogidder abolisched and that the haill persounes of thatt clan2 suld renunce thair name and tak thame sum uther name, and that they nor nane of thair posteritie suld call thame selffis Gregour3 or McGregoure thairefter under the payne of deade; ane uther act of the date the 26 of Januare 1613, quhairby it wer ordanit that nane of the Clangregour who wer at Glenfrone the tyme foirsaid and who wer at the fyir rasingis, murtheris, slauchteris and depredatiounes committit upoun the lairdis of Glenurquhye, Luss and Coline Campbell off Abiruquhill suld at no tyme thairefter beare nor weare ony kynd of armoure bot ane pointles kniff to cutt thair meate under the said payne of deade; as alsua ane uther act of the date the 24 Junii 1613, quhairby it wes ordanit that naine Clangregour, nor na otheris who formerlie wer callit McGregour and hes renuncit thair names, suld convene and meit togidder in onie pairt of this kingdome in gryiter numberis nor four persones under the said payne of deade; and his majestie and the saidis estaittis, acknawledgeing the saidis actis to have bene made upoun verye goode respectis and consideratiounes for the peace and quyetnes of the cuntirey, and thairwithall considdering that dyvers of that clane who renuncit thair names and fand cautioun for thair gude behaveoure ar depairted this lyiff, and that gryit numberis of thair childrene ar now ryiseing up and approcheing to the yearis of majoritie, who, gif they sall tak agane the name of McGregoure renuncit be thair parentis upoun solemne4 oathe, the number of that clane in few yearis wilbe als gryit as at onye tyme heirtofore, thairfore his majestie, with advyse of his saidis estaittis, ratefies, allowes and approves the actis abovewreattin of the tennour and daittis foirsaidis in all and sindrie poyntis, clauses and articles contenit thairintill, and, conforme thairto, declairis, statutes and ordanis that gif onie persoun or persounes of the said clane who hes alreddie renunceit thair names, or heirefter sall renunce and cheinge thair names, or gif onye of thair bairnes and posteritie sall at ony tyme heirefter assume or tak to thame selffis the name of Gregoure or McGregoure, or gif ony of thame sall keip tryistes, conventiounes and meitingis with ony persoun or persounes calling and awowing thame selffis to be McGregoures, that everie sick persoun or persones assomeing and taking to theme selffis the said name and who sall keip the saidis tryistes, conventiones and meitingis sall incurre the payne of deathe, quhilk payne salbe execute upoun thame without favoure; for quhilk purpois, his majestie, with advyse of his saidis estaittis, ordanis and commandis the schirreffis, stewartis, bailyeis of regalities, justices of peace and thair deputtis within thair severall boundis quhair ony of the persounes contravening this present act hantis and remaynes to tak and apprehend thame and commit thame to sure wairde, thairin to remayne upoun thair awin expensses ay and quhill ordoure and directioun be gevin for thair punischement as accordis.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.19r.
  2. Written superscript.
  3. Written superscript.
  4. Written superscript.