The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 15 January 2025
Act anent the taxatioun
The estaitis presentlie convenit, considdering how that the kingis majestie hes thir mony yeiris bigane had a naturall longing and ane most earnest desyre to visite this his native and ancient kingdome, quhilk, by the providence of God, hes had the honnour of his majesties birthe and educatioun and the happines of his most blissed governament thir mony yeiris bigane [...]2; that his sacred majestie intending, God willing, to mak his jornay hither this nixt approcheing sommer, hes bene most solist and cairfull oute of his exceiding gryte love and tender regaird of the credite and reputatioun of his said kingdome to foirsee and provide every suche thing as may concerne aither the same in ornament or his majestie and his royall courte in thair [...],3 speciallie by the repairing and moveabling of his majesties houses and making a nomber of preparationis necessair for his majesties use during his abode heir, quhairin, althoght his majestie has verie bountifullie bestowit his haill revenewis of this kingdome and otheris grits soumes far exceiding the same, yitt mony thingis restis unprovidit quhilkis his majesties cofferis heir ar not able to furneis. And the saidis estaitis calling to rememberance the mony grite benefites quhilkis this cuntrey has ressavit through the goodnes of Almighty God under his majesties most happie and blissit governament and whilkis now at last it is to ressave by his confortable presence amangis thame, and acknawledgeing thame selffis bundin in conscience before God and in the dewtie of most humble, loveing, kynd and thankfull subjectis to his majestie, lykewayis to foirsee, provide and supplee suche defectis and wantis as his majesties cofferis cannot furneis, thairfore saidis esteatis, with most willing and loving hairtis towardis his majestie and for a signe and testimonye of thair unfenyet affectioun and most sincere devotioun to his majesties service and of thair unspeakable joy and gladnes to haif the happynes to see his majestie in his native cuntrey, doeth in all humilitie present unto his majestie thair most free, willing and voluntair offer of ane taxatioun of tua hundreth thowsand pundis to be dividit amongis them and payit as followis: that is to say, ane hundreth thowsand pundis be the spirituall esteate, lxvjM vjC lxvj lib. xiij s. iiij d. be the baronis and frehaldaras togidder with the fewaris of his majesties proper landis, and the sowme of xxxiijM iijC xxxiij lib. vj s. viij d. in compleit payment of the said haill taxatioun be the burrowis, and to be payit at the termes following: that is to say, ane hundreth thowsand pundis as the one half of the said taxatioun at the terme of Martymes nyxt to come in this instant yeir of God jM vjC and sevintene yeiris, and ane other hundreth thowsand pundis in compleit payment of the said haill taxatioun at the feist and terme of Witsounday nixt thairefter following in the yeir of God jM vjC and auchtene yeiris; and it is aggreit, commandit and ordanit be the saidis esteatis that no chairges salbe direct nor gevin furthhe for payment of ony pairt of this present taxatioun quhill first the kingis majestie be within this cuntrey. And for inbringing of the spirituall menis pairt of the said taxatioun, that lettrez be direct chairgeing all and sindrie archiebishoppis, bishoppis, abbotis, priouris and all noblemen and otheris in whose favour the erectioun of ony prelacyis or uther inferiour benefices or ony pairt or portioun thairof, be it in landis, kirkis or teyndis, or in whose favour the patronage of ony benefices, kirkis or teyndis is past, and all otheris beneficeit personis contenit in the taxt roll, thair chalmerlanis, factouris and intromettouris with thair rentis and leving, to mak payment of the sowme that thay and ilkane of thame ar taxt unto, to the collectour generall to be appointit be his majestie for ingaddering of the said haill taxatioun, or his deputis and officeris in his name haveand his power to ressave the same, at the termes particularlie abovewrittin appointit for ressaveing of the said taxatioun under the pane of rebellioun etc.; and gif thay failyie, the saidis termes being bipast, to denunce etc. and to escheat etc.; and that the prelattis and benificeit personis and suche noblemen and otheris in whose favouris the erectionis and patronageis abovewrittin ar past for thair releiff haif lettrez chairgeing thair vassallis, subvassellis, ladyis of terce, conjunctfearis, lyferentaris, fewaris, takismen and pensionaris to mak payment of thair pairtis of the said taxatioun, ilkane of thame pro rata according to the sowme that they salbe taxt unto, to the saidis prelatis and otheris beneficeit personis and to the saidis noblemen and otheris haveing erectit beneficeis and patronageis of kirkis, thair chalmerlanes, factouris and otheris in thair names haveand thair power to ressave the same within twentie dayis efter the said chairge under the pane of rebellioun etc.; and gif thay failyee, the said space being bipast, to denunce etc. and to escheate etc., and yf neid beis, to poind and distrenye thairfoir as thay sall think most expedient, providing that the first terme of the said taxatioun be expyrit and past befoir the nixt termes payment be chairget for. Declairing alwayes that the productioun of sufficient horningis aganis the saidis vassellis, fewaris, takkismen and pensioneris salbe a releiff to the beneficeit personis and prelattis and sall exoner thame pro tanto fra payment of the said taxatioun, providing that the saidis horningis with the taxt rollis authentiklie maid and subscryvit be the saidis prelattis and benefice personis and be thair fewaris, vassellis, takismen and pensioneris contening the particulair sowme that ilkane of thame ar taxt unto be delyverit to the collectour of the same taxatioun within the space of lx dayes efter ilk terme, otherwayes he salbe na wayes oblist to ressave the same; nather shall the prelatt and beneficeit persone be exemit be productioun of the same at ony tyme thairefter. And forder that the saidis prelattis and suche noblemen and otheris in whose favouris the erectionis and patronageis abovewrittin ar past and all uther beneficeit personis may haif thair releiff of thair saidis vassallis, subvassallis, ladyis of terce, conjunctfearis, lyfrentaris, fewaris, takismen and pensionaris to thair grite ease and les trouble to their saidis vassallis and others foirsaidis, and to the effect that everie one proportionalie may pay his pairt of the said taxatioun according to the quantitie and availl of the frie rent he hes of his benefice, landis, pensioun, kirkis and teynd schaves pertening to him, alsweill the prelate, lord of erectioun, patrone and other beneficeit personis thame selffis as the fewair, takkismen and pensioner, it is thocht expedient, statute and ordanit that the saidis prelattis and otheris above rehersit, every one of thame severallie, sall convene his haill fewaris, vassallis, takkismen and pensionaris at the particulair placeis heirefter designit: thay ar to say, the Archiebishop of Sanctandrois at the citie of Sanctandrois, the Archiebishop of Glasgw at the citie of Glasqw, the Bishop of Orkney at the toun of Kirkwall, the Bishop of Murray at the toun of Elgin, the Bishop of Abirdeene at the burgh of Abirdeene, the Bishop of Brechine at the burgh of Brechine, the Bishop of Dunkeld at the toune of Dunkeld, the Bishop of Dumblane at the toun of Dumblane, the Bishop of Galloway at the burgh of Wigtoun, the Bishop of Argyle at the burgh of Inveraray, the Bishop of the Iles at the burgh of Rothesay in Bute, the Bishop of Cathnes at the toun of Durnocht, the Bishop of Ross at the toun of the Channorie of the Ross, the abbot of Icolmekill at the burgh of Invernes, the pryour of Ardchattane at the toune of Inveraray, the abbot of Ferne at the burgh of Tayne, the Lord of Bewlie at the burgh of Invernes, the Lord of Kinloss at the burgh of Forres, the priour of Pluscardin at the burgh of Elgin, the Lord of Deir at the toune of Petirheid, the pryour of Fyvie at the toun of Turreff, the pryour of Monymusk at the toun of Monymusk, the Lord of Arbroithe at the burgh of Arbroithe, the Lord of Scone at the burgh of Perth, the Lord of Couper at the toun of Couper in Angus, the priour of Restenneth at the brugh of Forfair, the collectour of the taxatioun in place of the pryour of Chairterhous, the seate now vacand, at the burgh of Perthe, the pryour of Elcho at the same burgh of Perthe, the pryour of Straphillin at the toun of Inveraray, the Lord of Incheffray at the burgh of Perth, the pryour of Inchmahome at the burgh of Stirling, the pryour of Sanctandrois at the citie of Sanctandrois, the baillie of the regalitie of Dumfermelyne at the burgh of Dumfermelyne, the Lord of Balmerinoch at the burgh of Couper in Fyff, the Lord Lundoris at the burgh of Couper in Fyff, the maisteris of Sanct Leonardis college in Sanctandrois for the pryourie of Portmooke at the burgh of Couper in Fyff, the pryour of Pettinweme at the burgh of Pettinweme, the Lord of Sanct Colme at the burgh of Inverkething, the Lord of Culross at the burgh of Culross, the abbot of Cambuskyneth at the burgh of Stirling, the Lord of Torphechin at the burgh of Linlithgow, the pryour of Manwell at the burgh of Linlithgow, the Lord of Halirudehous at the burgh of Edinburgh, the Lord of Newbottill at the burgh of Edinburgh, the pryores of Haddingtoun at the burgh of Haddingtoun, the lord of the temporall landis of the pryory of Northberwick, at the burgh of Northberwick, the patrone and persone of the kirk of Kynnewquhair, dissolvit fra the pryory of Northberwick, at the toun of Elie, the patrone and persone of the kirk of Largo, dissolvit fra Northberwick, at the toun of Largo, the patrone and persone of Mayboil at the burgh of Maybole, the patrone and persone of the kirk of Logie, dissolvit fra Northberwick, at the burgh of Striviling, the Lord of Kelso at the toun of Kelso, the Lord of Coldinghame at the toun of Eymouth, the Lord of Dryburgh at the toun of Dryburgh, the pryour of Ecclis at the toun of Dunce, the pryour of Cauldstreame at the toun of Dunce, the Lord of Jedburgh at the burgh of Jedburgh, the Lord of Melros at the toun of Melrose, the Lord of Paislay at the toun of Paislay, the Lord of Blantyre at the burgh of Glasqw, the lord and baillie of the temporall landis of Kilwyning at the burgh of Irwing, the patronis and personis of the kirk of Kilwynning, dissolvit fra the abbay of Kilwynning, at the said burgh of Irwing, the abbote of Croceragwell at the toun of Mayboll, the pryour of Quhithorne at the burgh of Quhithorne, the abbote of Saulset at the burgh of Quhithorne, the pryour of Sacnt Marie Ile at the burgh of Kirkcudbright, the Lord of Dundrenane at the burgh of Kirkcudbright, the Lord of Glenluce at the burgh of Wigtoun, the abbote of Tungland at the burgh of Wigtoun, the abbote of Newabbay at the burgh of Drumfreis, the abbote of Haliwode at the burgh of Drumfreis, the pryour of Cannobie at the burgh of Annan, the barrone and baillie of the baronie of Broghtoun, dissolvit fra the lordship of Halirudhous, at the burgh of Edinburgh, the heritouris of the ane hundreth pund land of the baronie of Monkland, dissolvit fra the lordship of Newbotle, at the citie of Glasqw, the minister of Failfurd at Are, Scotland Wole at Sacnt Androis, Peblis at Peblis, the patrone and persone of the kirk of Dondee, dissiolvit fra the abbacie of Lundoris, at the burgh of Dondee and all utheris small beneficeit personis at the paroche kirkis of thair particulair beneficeis, and that they convene to the effect abovewrittin upoun the fyftene day of August in the yeir of God jM vjC and sevintene yeiris, quhilk is declarit to be the preceise day appointed for all thair vassallis, fewaris, takkismen and pensioneris to keepe the said meeting, and that no forder citatioun nor summonding salbe requisit than the proclamatioun and publicatioun of this present act at the mercate croceis of the heade burrowis of this realme. And heirwith it is resolvit be the saidis esteatis that yf ony vassaill, subvassaill, fewair, takisman of teyndis, pensionair or ony other justlie bundin to mak releiff to the prelate, lord of erectioun, patroun or other beneficeit man of ony pairt of the said taxatioun sall send ony thair in his name suffcientlie authorized to the said meeting, the same sall not onlie excuise the absence of the principall pairtye bot the procurator in all thingis salbe admittit and ressavit to do and performe in the distributioun of the said taxatioun quhat could or might haif lauchfullie bene done by him who send him. It is in like maner declarit that the prelate, lord of the erectioun, patrone or uther beneficeit persone impedit by disease or distractit upoun some other necessair occasioun frome attending that meiting, haveing his absence suppleit that day by ony sufficient worthie persone whome he shall appoint and authorize to that effect, salbe als lauchfull as gif he war personalie present him selff; and the partye so authorized sall be admittit and ressavit in all thingis to do and performe in the distributioun of the same taxatioun quhat could or might lauchfullie haif bene done by him who send him. It is forder statute and ordanit that at the said day of meiting, the saidis prelattis, lordis of erectionis, patronis and otheris beneficeit persones sall be thame selffis or thair procuratouris lauchfullie authorized as said is showe to thair saidis vassallis, fewaris, takismen and pensionaris or thair procuratouris the quantitie of the taxatioun imposit upoun thair prelacie, erected lordschip or other benefice authentiklie subscryvit be the clerk of the same taxatioun, and they all (at the leist sa mony as shall conveene to this effect) with ane consent sall distribute the same to be payit be every man alsweill be the prelate, lord of erectioun and present possessouris of small beneficeis for the frie rent that every one of thame hes of thair prelacies, erectit lordshippis and small benefices as be the vassaill, fewer, takisman and pensionar according to the grite or small quantitie of the frie rent that every one of thame hes ather of thair landis, teyndis or pensionis. With certificatioun to ony of the saidis personis, fewaris, vassailis, takkismen or pensionaris that compeiris not be thame selffis and thair procuratouris at the dayis and places above specifit to the effect foirsaid, that suche as shall conveene with the saidis prelattis, lordis of erectionis, patronis and otheris beneficeit personis or thair procuratouris sall proceid in the equall distributioun of the same taxatioun alsweele amongis thame that ar absent as present, and shall mak and subscryve ane authentik roll thairupoun. And incaise that nane of the saidis fewaris, vassallis, takkismen and pensionaris sall convene at the dayes and places abovespecifit for this effect be thame selffis or thair procuratouris bot sall wilfullie absent thame selffis fra the said meeting, it salbe lauchfull for the saidis prelattis, lordis of erectionis, patronis or otheris beneficeit personis being present be thame selffis or thair procuratouris at the dayes and placeis abovespecifit, to mak, subscryve and sett doun the said stent roll. And incais ony of the saidis prelattis, lordis of erectionis, patronis and otheris beneficeit personis sall not conveene be thame selffis nor thair procuratouris at the day and place abovespecifit properlie designit to every one of thame, it salbe lauchfull for the saidis vassallis, fewaris, takkimen and pensionaris (at the least samony of thame as shall conveene) be thame selffis or thair procuratouris to mak, sett doun and subscryve the said stent roll, quhilk roll sall conteene the particulair sowme that every one salbe fundin justlie addebtit to pay, the pairtyis name addebtit to pay the same and the caus quhairfoir the same aucht to be payit, and being so sett doun ather be the prelate, lord of erectioun, patrone or other beneficeit personis or thair lauchfull procuratouris, or in caise of thair absence being so sett doun, maid and subscryvit be the maist pairt of samony of the saidis vassallis, fewaris, takkismen and pensioneris as be thame selffis or thair procuratour shall conveene thame selffis for this effect, the saidis esteattis declairis to be als lauchfull in all respectis as gif the haill nomber of personis haveing enteres thairin had convenit, maid, sett doun and subscryvit the same. And for inbringing of the baronis and friehaldaris pairt of the said taxatioun and the fewaris and rentalleris of oure soverane lordis proper landis, thair pairtis thairof, ordanis lettrez to be direct chairgeing all and sindrie schireffis, stewartis, baillies, their deputis and clerkis, fewaris, chalmerlanis and ressaveris of oure soverane lordis proper landis that they and ilkane of thame within the boundis of their officeis raise and uplift the sowme of threttie shillingis money of this realme of every pund land of auld extent lyand within the boundis of thair jurisdictioun for every one of the tua termes above specifit, and inbring and delyver the same to the collectour foirsaid or his deputeis and officeris in his name haveand his power to ressave the same at the terme abovespecifit under the pane of rebellioun etc.; and gif thay failyie thairin, the saidis termes being bipast, to denunce etc. and to escheat etc. And for thair releiff, that lettrez be direct chairgeing all and sindrie erllis, lordis, baronis and freehalderis, fewaris and rentalleris of oure soverane lordis proper landis to mak payment to the saidis schireffis, stewartis, baillies, thair deputis and clerkis, chalmerlanis and ressavearis of oure soverane lordis proper landis, ilkane of thame respective for thair awne pairtis, of the said soume of threttie shillingis for every pund land of auld extent pertening to thame for every ane of the saidis tua termes payment within tuentie dayes nixt efter the chairge under the pane of rebellioun etc.; and gif thay failyee, to denunce and escheate etc. And gif neid beis that the saidis schireffis, stewartis, baillies, thair deputeis and clerkis, chalmerlanis and ressavearis of oure soverane lordis proper landis poind and distrenyee thairfoir as thay sall think most meete and expedient, and that the saidis erllis, lordis, baronis, freehaldaris, fewaris and rentallaris of oure soverane lordis proper landis haif lettrez for thair releif to chairge thair vassallis, subvassallis, ladyeis of terce, conjunctfearis and lyverentaris to mak payment of thair pairtis of the said taxatioun within tuentie dayes nixt efter the chairge under the pane of rebellioun etc.; and gif thay failyee, to denunce etc.; and gif neid beis, to poind and distrenyee, provyding alwayis that the first termes payment of the said taxatioun be evir past befoir the nixt termes payment be chargit for. And for inbringing of the burrowis pairt of the same taxatioun, ordanis lettrez to be direct chairgeing the provestis and baillies of ilk burgh to mak payment of the taxt and stent thairoff to the collectour general foirsaid, his deputis and officiaris in his name haveand his power to ressave the same, at the particulair termes above specifit under the pane of rebellioun etc.; and gif thay failyee, to denunce etc. and escheate etc. And for thair releif, that lettrez be direct chairgeing all and sindrie inhabitantis within ilk burgh to conveene and elect certane personis to stent thair nychtbouris; and the said electioun being maid, to chairge the personis electit to accept the chairge upoun thame in setting of the said stent upoun the inhabitantis of ilk burgh and to conveene and sett the samyne and mak ane stent roll thairupoun as effeiris within xxiiij houris nixt efter thair chairge under the pane of rebellioun; and gif thay failyee, to denunce and escheate etc. And siclyk the said stent roll being maid and sett as said is, to chairge the burgesses, inhabitantis within ilk burgh, to mak payment of thair pairtis of the said stent to the saidis provestis and baillies conforme to the taxt roll to be gevin out thairupoun within thre dayes nixt efter the charge under the pane of rebellioun etc.; and gif thay failyie, to denunce and escheate etc.; and gif neid beis, that the saidis provest and baillies poind and distrenye thairfore as thay sall think maist meite and expedient. It is alwyse providit that no persone quhatsumevir be stentit or taxt within burgh except according to the availl and quantitie of his rent, leving, goodis and geir that he has within burgh, nawise respecting his landis nor possessionis quhilkis he hes to landwart, for the which he wilbe obleist to pay to otheris officeris, providing alwyse that the first termes payment of the said taxatioun be evir past before the nixt be chairgit for. Attoure his hienes and his saidis esteatis decernis and declairis that the chairgeis to be gevin for payment of the said taxatioun salbe execute befoir the termes of payment abovespecifit for everie termes payment particularlie be it selff, and that the denunciatioun of horning following thairupoun sall not be execute quhill the terme of payment be bypast; quhilk denuntiatioun sua following upoun the chairgis gevin befoir the saidis termes of payment, the saidis estaittis decernis and declaris to be valide and sufficient. Attoure his majestie and the saidis esteatis, considdering the grite abuse hes bene usit in all tyme bigane be sindrie of the liegis of this realme aganis all goode conscience in causing of thair poore fermoraris, tennentis and labouraris of thair ground being removeable quha ar subject in payment of verie deir fermes and uther dewyties, to releeve thame of the haill burdyne of the bigane taxatioun quhilk hes bene the occasioun of impoverischeing of a grite nomber of the saidis fermoraris, labouraris and tennentis and bringing of thame to utter wrack and ruyne, whereas of reasoun they sould be altogidder frie fra the payment of ony taxatioun and the samyne sould be payit be sic as hes frie rents, landis and goodis of thair awne; for remeid quhairoff, it is statute and ordanit that na personis quhatsomevir exact or compell his tennentis or fermoraris removeable quha payis ferme and uther deir dewties for the landis occupyit be thame to pay ony pairt of this present taxatioun or to sute releif of the same at their handis; and gif the same beis fund done be ony persones, that thay salbe callit and convenit thairfoir befoir his hienes justice and his deputis as violent and murtherfull oppressouris of his hienes subjectis and punist thairfoir according to justice. And the esteattis foirsaidis ordanis the lordis of sessioun to be onlie judgeis to all suspensionis to be craved and sutit be ony of our soverane lordis liegis tuicheing the said taxatioun, quhilk suspensionis the esteatis foirsaidis findis may be grantit upon lauchfull and equitable ressonis to be considderit be thame and dischargis all uther judgis within this realme of granting of ony suspensionis thairanent, with power to the saidis lordis to deligat fyve at the least of thair ordinair nomber as thay think expedient to sit, cognosce and decyde the saidis suspensionis in tyme of vacance gif neid beis.
- NAS, PC1/28, f.82v-85v.
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- Text obscured by an ink stain.