Ratificatioun of George and Andro Halyburtounes pensioun of fyve hundreth pundis

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament presentlie convenit, having sene and considerit the lettir of gift and confirmatioun maid and grantit be George, be the mercye of God archiebischop of Sanctandrois, with advise and consent of the chaptoure of the metrapolitane kirk thairof, off the dait the [...] day of [...], the yeir of God ane thowsand, sex hundreth and twelf yeris, ratifeand and apprevand ane lettir of gift and pensioun maid and gevin to George and Andro Halyburtounes off fyve hundreth pundis, to be takin up yeirlie forth of the fruittis, rentis and dewities of the said archiebischoprik of Sanctandrois, and specialie assignand to thame the maillis, fermes and deweties of certane particular landis specifeit in the said gift for payment thairof, with power to the saidis George and Andro to mak assignais to the said pensioun during all the dayes of the said assignais lyftyme, as the saidis giftis and ratificatiounes of the samyn respective maid thairanent beris; and being rypelie advisit thairwith, his hienes and estaitis foirsaidis hes ratifeit and approvin and, be the tennoure heirof, ratifeis and apprevis the foirsaidis haill giftis of pensiounes and ratificatiounes thairof respective in the haill heidis, articulis, clauses, conditiounes and circumstances quhatsomevir specifeit and contenit thairin and haill contentis thairof, decerning and ordaning James Halyburtoun of Esse, sone and air of the said umquhile George Halyburtoun, and assignay constitute to the foirsaidis pensiones, to have the undoubtit rycht to the foirsaidis pensiones perpetualie in all tyme cuming, to be bruikit and joysit be him, his airis and assignais efter the forme and tennoure of the giftis, assignationes and dispositiones respective maid to thame thairupoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.20r.