Ratificatioun to Schir George Hay of infeftment of the landis of Kincapill

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament presentlie convenit, having sene and considerit the infeftment and charter maid and grantit be the reverend father in God, George, archiebischop of Sanctandrois, with consent of the chaptour of the cathedrall kirk thairof, of the dait the [...] day of [...], the yeir of God ane thowsand sex hundreth and twelf yeris, ratifiand and apprevand the charter of fewferme maid and gevin be umquhile Patrik, archiebischop of Sanctandrois, to umquhile George Halyburtoun of Pittarchy and Margaret Dunbrek, his spous, thair airis and assignais mentionat thairin, off all and haill ane twentye fourt part of the towns and landis of Kyncapill occupeit for the tyme be Johne Mitchell, and of ane sextene part of the said towns and landis on the west syde of the samyn occupeit be David Forrester, and of ane uther sextene part of the said town and landis occupeit be Thomas Vennesone, with thair pertinentis, lyand within the regalitie of Sanctandrois and schirefdome of Fyff; and lykewyse ratefeand the chartoure maid and gevin be the said umquhile Patrik, archiebisehop of Sanctandrois, to the said umquhile George Halyburtoun, his airis, assignais and successouris, off all and sindrie the fewfermis of ane sextene part of the said toun and landis of Kyncapill occupeit be Patrik Kynnynmonth of Callinsche, and of ane thrid part and nyne part of the said toun and landis occupeit be Patrik Dudingstoun, and of ane twentye fourt part of the said toun and landis occupeit be Andro Month, and of ane uther twentye fourt part of the said toun and landis occupeit be David Forrester, and of ane uther twenty fourt part of the said toun and landis occupeit be Andro Broun, and of ane uther twentye fourt part of the said toun and landis occupeit be [...] and thair tennentis, togidder with ane precept of clare constat maid and gevin be the said George, archiebischop of Sanctandrois to James Halyburtoun of Esse, as sone and air to the said umquhile George Halyburtoun, off all and sindrie the saidis fewfermes of the foirsaidis particular partes and portiounes of the said toun and landis of Kincapill, and ane charter maid and gevin be the said James Halyburtoun of Esse to Schir George Hay of Nethirlyff, knycht, his airis maill and assignais, off all and haill the said twenty fourt part of the said toun and landis of Kyncapill occupeit for the tyme be the said Johnne Mitchell, and of the said sextene part of the said toun and landis occupeit be the said David Forrester, and of the said uther sextene part of the said toun and landis occupeit be the said Thomas Vennesone, and ane uther chartoure maid and gevin be the said James Halyburtoun of Esse to the said Schir George Hay, his airis maill and assignais, off all and sindrie the saidis fewfermes of the saidis uther particular partes and portiounes of the said toun and landis abone exprest, with thair pertinentis; and lykewyse contenand ane new infeftment and gift de novo damus maid and grantit be the said George, archiebischop of Sanctandrois, with consent foirsaid, to the said Schir George Hay, his airis and assignais mentionat thairin, off all and sindrie the foirsaid twentye fourt part of the said town and landis of Kyncapill occupeit for the tyme be the said Johne Mitchell, and of the said sextene part of the said town and landis occupeit be the said David Forrester, and of the said uther sextene part of the said toun and landis occupeit be the said Thomas Vennesone, and als of all and sindrie the saidis fewfermes of the saidis uther particular partes and portiounes of the saidis toun and landis abone exprest, with thair pertinentis; and being ryplie advisit thairwith, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis hes ratefeit and approvin and, be the tennoure heirof, ratifies and apprevis the foirsaid chartoure and infeftment in the haill headis, articulis, clauses, circumstances and conditiounes contenit thairin and haill contentis thairof, decerning and ordaning the said Schir George Hay, his airis and assignais, to have the undoubtit richt to the foirsaidis landis and of the fewfermes and deweties contenit in the foirsaidis infeftmentis and chartouris respective perpetualie in all tyme cuming to be bruikit, joysit, intromettit with, uptakin, usit and disponit be thame efter the forme and tennoure of the foirsaid chartoure and infeftment in all pointis.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.19v.