Ratificatioun in favouris of the burgh of Tayne of thair infeftment

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifeis, apprevis and perpetualie confermis all and sindrie infeftmentis, charters, preceptis, instrumentis of sesingis, confirmatiounes and utheris richtis, titillis and securities quhatsomevir maid and grantit be his majestie or ony of his hienes maist noble progenitouris to and in favouris off the provest, baillies, counsale, burgesses, inhabitantis and communitie of the burgh of Tayne, of the samyn burgh of Tayne, with all landis, tenementis, houses, biggingis, yairdis, commowneties, fischeingis, mosses, muris, privilegis, liberties, comoditeis, partes, pendicles and pertinentis of the same quhatsomevir, lyand within the erldome of Roiss and schirefdome of Invernes, of quhatsomevir dait or daittis, tennouris or contentis the samyn be, in all and sindrie pointis, passses, heidis, articles, clauses, conditiounes and circumstances quhatsomevir thairin contenit, efter the formes and tennouris thairof. Attoure, oure soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis statutis and ordanis that this present generall ratificatioun and confirmatioun of the infeftmentis, richtis and securiteis abonewrittin is and salbe als valide, effectuall and sufficient as gif the samyn haill infeftmentis, richtis and securiteis war at lenth and specialie ingrost in this present act; and als that the saidis infeftmentis, richtis and securiteis grantit to the saidis provest, baillies, counsale, burgesses, inhabitantis and communitie of the said burgh and this present ratificatioun thairof ar and salbe gude, valide and effectuall richtis, titillis and securities to the saidis provest, baillies, counsale, burgesses, inhabitantis and communitie of the said burgh and thair successouris for bruiking and joysing of the samyn burgh, with all landis, tenementis, houses, biggingis, yairdis, commowneties, fischeingis, mosses, muris, privilegis, liberties, commodities, partes, pendicles and pertinentis of the samyn quhatsomevir in all tyme cuming, conforme to the tennouris of the saidis infeftmentis, richtis and securiteis maid to thame and thair predicessouris thairupoun in all pointis, with command to the clerk of register and his deputis to extend ane act of parliament heirupoun in dew forme.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.14v.