Ratificatioun in favours of Schir James Dundas

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that the kirk of Borthuik being rwinous and that part thairof callit the revestrie being decayit, and that the ministers of the exercise of Dalkeith, being convenit to uiseit the said kirk with the gentlemen and parochiners of the said parochin of Borthuik, thay find the best meane for repairing of the said kirk and uphalding of the said revestrie to be the dispositioun of the same revestrie to sum gentleman of the said parochin for ane buriall, the samyn serving for na uther use and, thairfore, the said revestrie with all thair consentis was disponit to Schir James Dundas of Arnestoun, knycht, ane of the saidis parochiners, to be ane buriall for him and his posteritie, as the act and securitie maid thairupoun with consent of the provinciall assemblie of Lawithiane mair fullie proportis; and that according to the pactioun and conditioun maid thairanent, the said Schir James furneist the charges and expenses in repairing of the said kirk, as is cleirlie understand to his hienes and estaittis foirsaidis; thairfore his majestie and his saidis estates hes ratifeit and approvin and, be thir presentis, ratifies and apprevis the richt and securitie maid to the said Schir James Dundas be the saidis parochiners and presbiterie of the said revestrie for the buriall of him and his said posteritie in all tyme cuming, in the haill heidis, clauses and conditionis thairof, and decernis and ordanis the samyn to be sufficient richt and securitie to the said Schir James, his airis and successouris for bruiking and joysing of the said revestrie and buriall place foirsaid in all tyme cuming, conforme to the richtis and securities abonespecifeit maid to him thairupoun in all pointis.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.14r.