Ratificatioun to the Duke of Lennox of the office of admiralitie and privilegis of the same

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifies, apprevis and confermis the gift, richt and infeftment maid, gevin and grantit be his majestie to his hienes dearest cousing Lodovick, duke of Lennox, erll Dernlie etc., and to his airis maill and assignais quhatsomevir, off all and haill the offices of great admirall of his hienes kingdome of Scotland, and of all the yles and boundis thairof quhatsomevir, with the office of lieutenandrie upoun the seyis and coronalschip and justice generall,2 and of the office of judicatorie, criminall and civile, with all the privilegis, dignities, immunities and casualities of the same, at lenth particularlie set downe in the said richt and infeftment of the dait at [...], the [...] day of [...], the yeir of God [...], in all and sindrie heidis, articles, conditiones and clauses thairof, and decernis the same to have effect and to be put to dew and full executioun in all pointis according to the tennoure thairof.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.13v.
  2. 'and justice generall' repeated.